Vad hindrar företag från att jobba och samarbeta smidigt utan att äventyra säkerheten? Vilka är de vanligaste hoten, som företag kämpar med idag?
Johannes Anderberg
Affärsutvecklare bank och försäkring
When: 4th of March 2020
Where: Microsoft, Regeringsg 25, Stockholm
Moderators: Johannes Anderberg, Business Development Manager FSI – Microsoft Sweden
Ayaz Shukat, Digital Strategist FSI – Microsoft Sweden
Welcome to the Microsoft brand-new office at Regeringsgatan 25 in Stockholm.
Microsoft Envision Forum: Reshaping the Financial Industry is a one–day thought leadership event for Business- and IT-leaders, designed to amplify insights and learnings in a collaborative way.
We begin the day with an experience and reflection part. Industry leading experts will share their experience, learnings and their point of view. After lunch we collectively create value by exploring the highly relevant topics divided in to three streams led by industry peers, industry partners and financial industry experts from Microsoft.
Agenda≈ 08.15 Morning at Microsoft 09.30 Welcoming everyone and an introduction to the event 09.40 Leading Culture Change 10.05 Customer Experience Journey 10.30 Break 10.55 The bank of tomorrow 11.20 Eco-systems & Open banking 11.45 Lunch
12.50 Introducing Business streams 13.00 – 15.00 Business streams, three groups, rotating format
15.00 Coffee
16.00 Fireside chat 16.30 Social event |