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ABN AMRO: leaping into the future of the FSI sector with the Azure cloud

Microsoft Nederland

Microsoft Nederland

Microsoft Nederland

Leestijd, 1 min.

Dutch bank ABN AMRO is determined to embrace digitalization to improve its operations and provide better services for its customers. To do this, it has embarked on a digital transformation program – called Apollo – which includes adopting new technologies, moving applications to the cloud and embracing a new DevOps working culture. Crucial to achieving this has also been migrating its trading and treasury front-to-back-to-risk platform Murex MX.3 from on-premises to Microsoft Azure. All while shifting from Oracle Exadata to Oracle database on Azure NetApp Files. This is part of a key initiative that’s giving ABN AMRO greater flexibility, scalability and an improved time to market. The migration is helping ABN AMRO provide more stable, securer services – all while driving efficiencies and improving its working culture.

“This project is not just a mere platform migration: it’s a completely new way of working that relies on automation, new tools, technical features to manage new challenges.”

Kees van Duin, IT Integrator at ABN AMRO, is describing his organization’s digital transformation journey and the cultural shift this has led to.

“Technology is revolutionizing the banking and financial services industry,” says van Duin. “As one of the leading banks in the Netherlands, we at ABN AMRO believe in embracing this phenomenon to provide better services for our customers and be even more efficient.”

Read more about our customer case “ABN AMRO: leaping into the future of the FSI sector with the Azure cloud”.

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