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Surface in manufacturing, man with Surface Duo
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The benefits of Surface

In a manufacturing environment, like a factory, users often have stringent demands for their hardware. In developing Surface, we pay close attention to the different environments in which Surface can be used and seek to ensure that people can work optimally with the right technology. What can Surface do for manufacturing?

Myriad challenges

A modern manufacturing company faces countless challenges, like recruiting and holding on to the right talent to make sure that the organization has all the skills it needs. Besides, training and life-long learning are particularly important for manufacturing companies, and it is crucial that workers can do their jobs safely and rely on optimal support throughout the day. Part of that comes down to ensuring they have secure access to the right information: whether they’re in the office or on the factory floor. Employees should be able to communicate easily among themselves to facilitate problem-solving, to name just one example. Another essential requirement is that technology has to adapt do its surroundings: Laptops and other devices face completely different threats on the factory floor than in the office.

How Surface contributes

Surface in manufacturing environment

Surface supports manufacturing in several ways. Here are 9 key elements:

1. Lightweight and fit for purpose

Whether you are a frontline worker or an engineer: Surface offers a range of lightweight models that let you move quickly from task to task (and location to location). You can easily run enterprise apps on your Surface or quickly access important information (such as manuals and instructional videos).

2. Quick roll-out

While we were developing Surface, we paid close attention to deployment. Windows Autopilot automatically configures Windows, while Microsoft Intune enables appropriate policies for the user. In many cases, the IT department can deploy devices entirely remotely.

3. Fast decision-making

A jammed machine on the factory floor, a prototype to review: there are lots of different situations in which video-conferencing can come in particularly handy. Surface is equipped with both front and rear cameras. Add the Surface Pen (for digital note-taking and sketching), and you have everything you need for quick collaborative decisions.

4. Efficient meetings

Surface is optimized for Teams, so you can efficiently consult with colleagues and partners across different production facilities and offices. Surface is equipped with HD cameras, optimized microphones and Omnisonic speakers: all for the perfect experience during a Teams meeting.

5. Adapted to the environment

There are many different protective accessories for Surface, guaranteeing their safety even in potentially dangerous environments like factories. Take our waterproof or antibacterial covers, for example, or “ruggedized” covers that provide the necessary protection in a variety of environments.

6. No paper, digital only

Go (virtually) paperless: with Surface Pen, users can jot down notes and make sketches entirely digitally. E-signing is another valuable benefit, making it a lot easier to sign a work order.

7. Connectivity

Reliable connectivity is critical, and that’s never more true than in the manufacturing industry. An engineer tasked with commissioning a machine on location, for instance, can benefit greatly from the remote support of technical experts. Surface offers multiple connectivity options, including WiFi and optional 5G connectivity.

8. Safety first

Surface supports biometric security, such as facial recognition. Using Windows Hello, users can quickly and securely log into the corporate network, regardless of whether they’re on the factory floor or working on location.

9. A suitable Surface for every role

Getting your people the right tools is a shortcut to employee satisfaction. The Surface lineup consists of several premium models and different form factors (such as 2-in-1s), not to mention the vast array of accessories that can be used to adapt Surface to specific requirements. In other words, there is a suitable Surface for every role.

Read more

Want to find out more about Surface and opportunities for your organization? On Surface for Business you will find more information.

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