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Welcome to Microsoft Hybrid Meeting Bootcamp Event


Thank you for attending the Hybrid Meeting bootcamp. We hope it was a great learning experience.

Please click on the links below to head over to the Microsoft Pulse Blog for highlights and impressions of the day and to view the presentations on LinkedIn Smart Links.

  • Click here to view the presentations.
  • Click here to view the image gallery.

Or explore here a selection of other Microsoft Modern Work events.


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  • Surface in retail, man and woman at counter
    Surface in Retail

    The benefits of Surface Retail organizations face many different changes and challenges, but encounter lots of opportunities too. Good examples include e-commerce opportunities, as well as relatively new retail formulas such as pop-up stores and pick-up locations, which all come with their own technological requirements. Surface truly comes into its own in these situations. The […]

  • Retailers moeten AI inzetten, wij helpen je!
    Retailers moeten AI inzetten, wij helpen je!

    Succesvolle retailers hebben terugkerende klanten, groeiende marges en een accurate bevoorrading dankzij inzet van data. Wil jij dat ook? Breek dan bestaande datasilo’s af, bouw een data-gestuurd operating model en stop met hadnmatige data-analyse! Kunstmatige intelligentie (AI) geeft je nu grip op de resultaten van morgen. Met onze technologie, ons netwerk, training en een geïntegreerd […]


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