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Join the biggest and the most influential Data and Advanced Analytics event in the Nordics, 18-21st of August, 2020! We are looking forward to meeting you digitally.  Data is of vital importance for innovation and economic growth in the Digital and AI Economy. We believe in AI that empowers people to make a positive impact on the world.

The purpose of data- and AI-driven innovation is to develop new or significantly improve existing human centered products, processes, methods or services. Data Innovation Summit is the leading data and advanced analytics event in the Nordics, constructed so it equally addresses all the elements of data-driven and AI-ready business: data, people, processes, technology and provides a holistic insight to the entire spectra of the data-to- insight-to-action process from data collection to visualization and automation.

With over 120 Nordic and international speakers on six stages, six workshop stages and plenty of learning and networking activities in the exhibition area, the 2020 summit is the place to be for all professionals and organizations working with utilization of data for increasing profit, reinventing business models, develop data-driven products, and increasing customer satisfaction. Please find the full program of speakers and locations for each session on the registration site below.



Feature Date Time Subject Speaker
Workshop 18-Aug 13.30 Discover the opportunities with Azure Synapse Pauliina Härnström, Microsoft, Anna Max,
Richard Lautmann, Random Forest
Presentation 20-Aug 11:00 Top 6 practical points to consider while deploying AI into production. Ashok Samal, Microsoft
Customer Presentation 20-Aug 11:30 Unleashing the Power of Cloud Scale Analytics for Business Efficiency with AI Annica Wallenbro Stojcevski, Microsoft,
Meha Saxena, Siddharth Kumar, Electrolux
Panel 20-Aug 15.30 How to Adapt Your Data Strategy for the Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Business Johan Lövh, Microsoft
Tech News 20-Aug
Latest updates from Microsoft Joakim Åström, Microsoft
Technology In practice 20-Aug 15.30 Microsoft AI Cognitive Services Ashok Samal, Microsoft
Technology In practice 21-Aug 10.30 The latest of Microsoft Power BI Lamin Jobe, Microsoft


Further reading/studies on these topics

Among the speakers from Microsoft, you will find

en man som bär kostym och slipsAshok Samal is an Advisor, IT strategist, engaging public speaker and currently working as a Solution Architect at Microsoft, Western Europe with deep focus on the AI and innovation. His vast international experience includes 8 solid years of Bigdata & AI across ASIA, Europe & US. He has a very strong business and technical combo.



en person som poserar för kameranAnnica Wallenbro Stojcevski. Annica has extensive experience in business development, marketing and sales. Before joining Microsoft in 2014, Annica worked for several years as a business consultant in product and service development, with assignments for both large and small companies and organizations. Annica loves to talk about the possibilities of digitalization and as a three-child parent, she is a strong ambassador for how technology enables balance in life.



en kvinna i vit skjorta och svart hårPauliina Härnström. Her passion is to help enterprises achieve valuable outcomes in the era of digitalization and support in the understanding of how all kinds of data is a goldmine, by adding advanced analytics and AI



en man klädd i kostym och slips leende på kameranJoakim Åström. Joakim Åström is as Cloud Solution Architect with AI-focus who worked with everything from groundbreaking AI in mining to high-flying AI for the aviation and space industry. Joakim sees Azure as an enabler for hybrid, bringing on-premises IoT together with powerful cloud powered AI. He often also sees that similar AI-solutions can be implemented cross-industry – prepare for some examples in this session.



ett svartvitt foto av en manJohan Lövh. Entrepreneur, Business leader and a Data Strategist with +20 years of experience from the fields of Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics. A consultative mind with a business development oriented focus. Deep technical understanding in combination with business orientation.



en man som bär kostym och slips leende på kameranLamin Jobe, Solution Architect with focusing on Data platform and Big Data Analytics, with a passion for Business Intelligence. I work-cross industry helping companies build thier next generation dataplatform on Azure.

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