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The benefits of Surface

Retail organizations face many different changes and challenges, but encounter lots of opportunities too. Good examples include e-commerce opportunities, as well as relatively new retail formulas such as pop-up stores and pick-up locations, which all come with their own technological requirements. Surface truly comes into its own in these situations.

The Surface range consists of several models, and we’ve listed a handful below to help you get started.

Case: Surface Go 3

Surface Go 3 retail

Surface Go 3 has the capabilities of a laptop and the portability of a tablet, making it a perfect partner in any retail environment. It provides sales associates with a portable, lightweight device powerful enough to run all the apps they need on the shop floor.

10.5” touchscreen display

See more, do more and browse better with Surface’s signature 3:2 screen ratio, giving you lots of vertical screen space to get things done.

Up to 11 hours of battery life

All-day power on the go, plus fast charging.

1080p HD cameras

Stay connected with front and rear 1080p HD cameras, plus dual Studio microphones

Faster processors

Finish your e-mails faster, keep track of shop floor tasks and use complex enterprise app to monitor customer data and stock levels with a fast Intel Pentium Gold or Intel Core i3 processor.

Case: Surface Pro 9

Surface Pro 9 retail

The Surface Pro 9 is another great example of how Surface excels in retail environments.

Stay connected

Surface Pro 9 is connected everywhere: on the shop floor, in the warehouse and at headquarters, making it ideal for store managers juggling lots of different tasks. Surface Pro 9 has some clever features on board to help you stay in control. The Surface Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI for short) provides a secure environment: from chip to cloud. Surface Pro 9 is also available with an optional mobile data connection, so you can work anywhere. Surface Pro 9 is equipped with Thunderbolt 4, so you can hook it up to 4K displays.

The most powerful Pro

Thanks to its powerful components, Surface Pro 9 will help you get your work done faster, combining the power of a traditional laptop with the flexibility of a tablet. This makes Pro 9 ideal for a day on the shop floor, as well as for demanding tasks such as generating sales reports for each store and meetings with headquarters. Surface Pro 9 was developed on the Intel Evo platform to guarantee high performance. Surface Pro 9 is also equipped with a 1080p front-facing camera, a 4K rear-facing camera and Studio microphones: ideal for meetings with store staff and other branches. Surface Pro 9 supports digital inking, so you’ll be able to take notes at a glance.

Easy deployment and management

If you have to manage multiple branches or locations, No problem. The IT department can relatively easily commission a new Surface without physical access to the device. Surface Pro 9 allows for easy, no-touch deployment as well as remote device management thanks to Windows Autopilot and Microsoft Intune.

Case: Surface Studio 2+

Man working on Surface Studio 2+

Surface Studio 2+ is a real eye-catcher. It’s equipped with a versatile 28-inch PixelSense touchscreen display, making it ideal for environments where you need an all-in-one. In retail environments, Surface Studio 2+ can be used for product demonstrations, where technology doesn’t just have to perform, but look good too.

Versatile display

Surface Studio 2+ features a touchscreen display with our Zero Gravity Hinge giving you precise control over the angle of the screen. The display also has a distinctive 3:2 aspect ratio, giving you 13% more screen space. The visuals on the display are enhanced by Dolby Vision 4, while audio is supported by Dolby Atmos.

Ideal for Teams

The large screen, enhanced 1080p HD camera and two sensitive  Studio microphones ensure streamlined video calls.

Tight security

Protect what’s yours with comprehensive Windows 11 security and Windows Hello password-free login.

Extensive connectivity options

Surface Studio 2+ is equipped with a variety of ports, including USB-C with Thunderbolt 4.

Different input methods

Unlock a 360-degree experience with the Surface Pen and the keyboard and mouse.

Read more

Want to find out more about Surface and opportunities for your organization? Go to our Surface for Business page for more information.

Werken in de eerste lijn met Microsoft Surface voor zakelijk gebruik

Bekijk ons webinar en ontdek hoe je de productiviteit van je eerstelijnsteams kunt verbeteren met Microsoft Surface voor zakelijk gebruik. En maak kennis met de gloednieuwe Surface Go!

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