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Smart technology for any location 

Physical or digital collaboration anytime, anywhere: the litany of benefits offered by hybrid working has quickly seen it become a firm favorite for organizations. To make the best use of this new way of working, however, your technology has to be up to par. What can Surface do for you? 

First things first: hybrid working means that people are no longer tied to a fixed workplace (such as at home or in the office) and work in a dynamic manner – both individually and with others. In practice, this means that you can work digitally today and collaborate with others in a face-to-face setting tomorrow. Not only businesses have cottoned on to the benefits of hybrid working: schools and universities have embraced it too. 

Adaptive hardware 

You need the right hardware for this dynamic way of working, and the truth is: PCs play a key role in every hybrid working environment. That is what research agency Forrester Consulting found after it was commissioned by Microsoft in June 2021 to evaluate what equipment and infrastructure companies would need in the post-pandemic hybrid work environment. For this study, Forrester conducted an online survey in 11 countries, reaching 1,733 decision makers in IT and HR, and career guidance positions. So, what exactly did they conclude? By investing in better PCs, business and IT leaders expect to equip employees with the right equipment for a flexible and collaborative work environment, enabling them to work from anywhere while improving productivity and customer experience. You can find the full report here.

How Surface helps 

That’s all well and good, but how can Surface help turn these needs, wishes and ambitions into reality? Surface delivers several key benefits, which we’ve listed below: 

  •  Video calls. Surface harnesses a wide range of smart technologies to make video calls come to life, including highly sensitive microphones (‘far-field studio mics’), immersive audio (‘Omnisonic’) and high-quality (HD) cameras. 
  • Keep going all day long. Surface uses the latest generation of processors and smart battery technology, which means the average battery life will get you through a full working day. 
  • For every situation. Cater to your employees’ every need: whether they prefer working on a good-old laptop or like the adjustable, multi-angle kickstand on Surface 2-in-1s. 
  • Connectivity. With 4G LTE, you can stay securely connected to colleagues, customers and business data wherever you go, even if the Wi-Fi is poor. 
  • Accessories.  Certified accessories can provide lots of added value. Take our headsets and webcams developed especially for Teams meetings, for instance, or a digital pen for all your note-taking needs. For more information, check out our blog article on accessories. 
  • Software. Surface uses a clever combination of Windows 11 and Microsoft 365, giving you all the software tools you need. 
  • Chip-to-cloud protection. This means that Microsoft is responsible for the entire vertical and services each component itself, providing more assurance. 
  • Manageability. With Surface, a lot of attention was paid to device management, with components like Microsoft Endpoint Manager and DFCI allowing for more control. Smart technologies like Windows Autopilot automate complex tasks. 

 Continue reading 

To learn more about Surface’s capabilities in hybrid working environments, visit this page. 

Download het eBook 'Vijf nieuwe werktrends waarbij apparaten een hoofdrol spelen'

Bedrijfs- en technologieleiders hebben de mogelijkheid om hun medewerkers te ondersteunen met technologie die is geoptimaliseerd voor modern werk. Lees dit eBook voor meer informatie over opties en best practices voor een productieve en veilige hybride werkplek.

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