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Migrate your SQL Servers to a fully managed cloud service now

Leentje Chavatte

Leentje Chavatte

Microsoft, Data & AI and Digital Transformation

Read Time, 1 min.

Azure SQL Database Managed Instance – you’ve heard the hype but you’re not sure exactly what’s involved in migrating? Or perhaps you’re not familiar with the extraordinary performance and saving benefits that make Managed Instance such a clear win for business-savvy companies?

In this recording from Microsoft Ignite 2018, Drazen Sumic and Mladen Andzic – Program Managers in Microsoft’s SQL engineering team – explain exactly what Azure SQL Database Managed Instance is. They take an in-depth look at the benefits of migrating, including its near 100% compatibility with the latest SQL Server on-premises. Watch the video for a full exploration of benefits, including full isolation and security and new purchasing options.

4 reasons to watch

  1. Hear directly from customers including Komatsu and TimeXtender about their personal experience in migrating to the cloud and the benefits of SQL Managed Instance, including on-screen demos.
  2. Learn about the three stages of cloud migration: assessment, migration and optimisation, and the most important factors to consider in each stage.
  3. Understand how to use your business’ goals and ambitions to help develop a migration strategy suited specifically to your company.
  4. Learn more about how the expected return on investment for migrating to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance is 212%.

Watch the video now to discover why Azure SQL Database Managed Instance is the best fully managed service in the cloud – and the best option for modernizing your data platform.

Report: The Total Economic Impact of Microsoft Azure SQL Database Managed Instance

Get a better understanding of the benefits, costs, and risks in this Forrester Consulting study.

Migration using Azure SQL Database Managed Instance

Moving your SQL Server databases to Azure has never been more straightforward and economical.

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