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How Leya is transforming the legal workspace using Azure OpenAI Service

Jessica Räihä

Jessica Räihä

Sr GTM Manager data& AI

Lästid, 5 min.

Leya is disrupting the legal space at a breath-taking pace. Combining deep industry knowledge with AI, Leya is showing what’s possible in an AI-powered legal workspace, using Microsoft’s infrastructure and LLM model service.

“Our mission is to give superhuman capabilities to the modern lawyer.”

Max Junestrand, CEO and co-founder of legal tech company Leya, is describing his organization’s ambitions and how AI is helping to realize them.

“Leya acts as an AI-powered workspace and has been adapted to better understand the intricacies of legal work – serving as an intelligent colleague to every legal professional,” he explains.

As one of the founders of Leya, he remembers starting off with an idea: investing in large language models (LLMs) and leveraging the advancements made in natural language processing. Legal work provided the perfect use case to start with.

Since then, they have assisted thousands of lawyers from some of the best-known firms in the world in tackling specific tasks and the text-intensive work that lawyers handle daily. Starting with jobs such as contract review, due diligence, and legal research, they built a single platform designed to solve and simplify them. All using Microsoft Azure services.

“By collaborating closely with Microsoft, we’ve built a platform that not only streamlines tedious tasks but also upholds the highest standards of security and compliance that our clients demand,” Junestrand says.

Integration with Word and Sharepoint

For decades, the legal industry has been underserved by digital innovation – just moving to the cloud was a big part of the evolution of the industry – and law firms and legal teams now look towards AI for the next efficiency boost. Leya has been the obvious choice, not only for their rich feature set, but also in large part thanks to their strict compliance and security set-up on Microsoft Azure.

“In the first weeks, we used OpenAI’s APIs directly, but quickly it became evident that for our clients — where security, compliance, data privacy, and confidentiality are paramount – we needed a more robust long-term solution,” says Junestrand. “With Azure OpenAI Service, we can offer those secure and compliant AI solutions.”

This has allowed Leya to quickly build and scale its solution while also meeting the legal industry’s stringent compliance and confidentiality requirements. Key to its success is the ease with which Leya integrates with Word and SharePoint, meaning thousands of lawyers can now extract information, run reviews, and perform research across legal information and precedents safely, using Leya.

Rethinking legal work

Leveraging the latest LLMs on Azure has allowed Leya to fundamentally rethink how specific legal tasks get done. What used to take hours of manual labor can now be automated in a few minutes. And by grounding Leya’s responses in the underlying material, verifying the AI’s thinking and output is simpler than ever.

To this end, Leya uses various technologies, such as multi-agentic behavior, Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), and large-scale parallelization of API calls to the LLMs. This allows them to cover a vast range of use-cases, including:

  • Due diligence and document extraction in Tabular Review. Transforming hours of manual work into seconds, Tabular Review fires off tens of thousands of parallel calls to extract terms or answers in documents, enhancing legal-specific tasks such as loan portfolio analyses, lease agreements, share purchase agreement, limited partnership agreements and master services agreements and more.
  • AI Agents. These intelligent assistants facilitate complex queries and reviews across multiple documents, using Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) techniques to provide precise and context-aware insights – allowing for significantly larger output windows than traditional alternatives.
  • Microsoft Word Integration: Embedding AI capabilities directly into Microsoft Word allows lawyers to review and annotate documents within their familiar workflow, reducing disruptions and fostering seamless adoption and use-cases such as summarization of redlines, creation of issues lists, and more.

By always relying on the latest, and multiple AI models, including Azure OpenAI’s GPT-4o and GPT-o1, Leya ensures that legal professionals have access to the most advanced tools available, tailored specifically for legal applications.

Strategic partnership with Microsoft for global scalability

Leya’s rapid growth – from startup to global player serving hundreds of law firms, financial institutions, and multinational corporations across 16 countries – is significantly bolstered by its strategic partnership with Microsoft. Using Azure’s scalable infrastructure, Leya can deploy AI models regionally, ensuring a critical factor in the legal industry: compliance with local data residency laws.

“Azure’s global reach and trusted security framework have been instrumental in our expansion,” notes Leya CTO and co-founder Sigge Labor. “Our clients trust Microsoft, and by extension, they trust us to handle their sensitive data with the utmost care.”

Driving tangible impact in legal practice

Leya’s technology is delivering tangible results for some of the world’s leading law firms. Its extensive client list already includes firms such as Bird & Bird, Sweden’s firm Mannheimer Swartling, and Spain’s Pérez-Llorca.

“We evaluated several alternatives on the market and chose Leya as our trusted AI partner because of their unquestionable focus on security and compliance combined with the ambition and drive to equip our lawyers with the best technology available,” comments Hélder Santos, Head of Legal Tech and Innovation at Bird&Bird

Pioneering the future of legal technology

Looking ahead, Leya will continue to explore deeper integrations within the Microsoft ecosystem.

“Our goal is not just to keep pace with technological advancements but to lead the way in rethinking what it means to perform high-quality legal work,” says Junestrand. “By staying at the forefront of AI development and integrating seamlessly with tools that lawyers use daily, we’re setting new standards for what legal technology can achieve.”

By thoughtfully integrating advanced AI within a secure and compliant framework, Leya is also establishing itself as a catalyst for change – empowering lawyers to navigate the complexities of modern law with unprecedented efficiency and confidence.

“In a world where data is abundant but time is scarce, our mission is to equip lawyers with tools that enhance their capabilities,” concludes Junestrand. “Together with Microsoft and our trusted partners, we’re making that mission a reality.”

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