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How to make working with your CRM easier: enrich your data with less effort

Gerard  Schaap

Gerard Schaap

Business Applications Specialist

Leestijd, 4 min.

You’re in sales, aren’t you? Yet, updating your CRM data every day probably feels like you’ve ended up in data management. Most salespeople don’t like doing CRM work. As a result, some of them either make a mess, don’t do it at all, or simply don’t bother to learn and end up making lots of mistakes. What would it be like if future customers could take care of this administration themselves? With LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you can easily find online leads and focus mainly on sales, without the burden of administrative tasks.


Want to learn more about LinkedIn Sales Navigator? Contact me on gerard.schaap@microsoft.com


After all, surely the promise of a CRM system is to take this work off your hands so you can generate more opportunities. Yet for most sales reps, their current CRM mainly causes frustration. After every contact with a lead or customer you have to enter data into systems that are often difficult to use. This type of administration is tiresome and takes a lot of time, which you’d rather spend on sales instead. And if you have several colleagues feeling the same way, the CRM system will never be up-to-date, or may even contain incorrect data.

CRM hygiene substandard
A CRM is only valuable if the data it contains are properly maintained. This is often not the case, which means the system does not yield any results. This justifies your sales employees’ reluctance: “You see, the system doesn’t work.” And when people think the system is worthless, they won’t feel inclined to add more data. As a result of this negative spiral, the CRM will never deliver on its promises. After all, the data are supposed to reduce your workload.

Benefits of LinkedIn Sales Navigator 
Would you like to use a CRM system with over 800 million contacts, using data that are kept up to date by the prospects themselves? Meet LinkedIn Sales Navigator. This platform helps improve your sales by using up-to-date information from the professional social network, in which companies and employees maintain their own data. In this blog post, you’ll discover four benefits of LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

Benefit 1: save up to 30 minutes a day

When your customers maintain their own data, this can save you a lot of time. Not only during the initial administration, but in checking and updating these data as well. In addition, you can save your leads and sales activities with a single click. All these advantages reduce administrative work by an average of about 30 minutes of per day. You can use this time for the things that you want to do, like getting in touch with your customers.

Benefit 2: Low-threshold social selling

Speaking of customer contact, many experienced sales reps prefer to speak to their customers face-to-face. But if you want to sell successfully, you need to be able to connect digitally as well. Does your current CRM system offer social selling opportunities? With LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you can easily connect to new prospects. You’ll also find potential leads faster, with recommendations based on your preferences, search history, profile views, and previously saved leads. And did something change in your network, creating an opportunity? The system will automatically notify you, for example, if a contact changes employer.

Benefit 3: Benefit from a much larger network

The larger your network, the greater your sales opportunities. Do you currently have access to your colleagues’ network? This would really help you get in touch with leads more easily. Teamlink offers access to your colleagues’ first-line contacts, enabling you to approach a wider range of prospects, with the added benefit of a warm introduction. This even works when you are not connected to your colleague yourself.

Benefit 4: Integration with CRM systems

LinkedIn Sales Navigator  integrates with Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365. This puts an end to switching between platforms, while allowing you to identify and approach prospects more easily. You’ll be able to see which deals are still open, and automatically get an overview of prospects based on sales history and other sales activity.

Sales, but easier
Do you want to put an end to your daily administration, but still use the power of data and your colleagues’ networks? Go with LinkedIn Sales Navigator. It’s as familiar as LinkedIn, but is designed specifically to help you work as efficiently and successfully as possible. Ready to improve your focus on sales activities?


Get started with your free LinkedIn Sales Navigator trial


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