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Microsoft Netherlands is committed to unlock the IT workforce potential of underrepresented groups to bridge the IT skills gap in The Netherlands.

Because of the high demand for IT staff, many organizations face a significant challenge in filling their vacancies. We see a huge gap between available IT professionals and open job roles and this number is growing. At the same time, we also see great potential by tapping into new groups of talent that we can up- or reskill to fill the IT skills gap.

One of these groups is refugee talent: the recent influx of refugees has brought a lot of new talent to the Netherlands. However, it remains difficult for a large group of permit holders to find the right opportunities and to be part of the Dutch labor force, despite their eagerness and willingness to contribute to our society. With IT training programs such as the Azure Academy, Microsoft wants to contribute to solving the shortage of IT-skilled candidates and help people with a refugee background to a new career in the Netherlands.

From pledge to action

To make this objective more concrete, we have set up a pledge with our customers and partners: together, we want to commit to a shared ambition to train and employ 200 permit holders within the IT ecosystem in 2023, followed by 300 candidates in 2024 and 500 in 2025. Together we can make impact!

Microsoft Azure Academy

In 2019, Microsoft launched the Microsoft Azure Academy: a full-time, 12-week training program for IT talent from underrepresented groups. The training program consists of hard skills training leading to Microsoft Certification, ánd has an in-depth soft skills program including interview training, project management and presentation skills. Next to this, all participants will be provided with a personal coach to guide them throughout and after the training and help them find a paid job.

Together with our partners ITPH Academy and Refugee Talent Hub, we do a deep dive into what your organization’s needs and potential thresholders are for hiring people with a refugee background so together we can unlock their and your organization’s potential.

Training tracks:

Training tracks that are currently available, but not limited to:

  • Azure Cloud Developer
  • IT Support desk Employee
  • Data Engineer
  • Azure Security Engineer
  • PowerApps Developer
  • Azure C# Developer

Get involved!

 Eager to unlock the IT potential of your organization whilst also bringing more diversity to your workforce? Get in touch with f.bos@itph-academy.nl for more information.

Get inspired 

 More information about the Azure Academy and our partners: 

Je kunt nu je carrière een boost geven met gratis online cursussen en certificeringen.

Ontdek het Level Up-programma van Microsoft en verbeter je cloudvaardigheden.

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