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You’re invited to participate in an intimate, interactive, digital or in-person workshop experience from Microsoft Azure. Azure Immersion Workshops are exclusive sessions designed to introduce you to and familiarize you with Microsoft Azure technologies and innovations. Based on your organization’s needs, you’ll dive into topics around analytics, data modernization, AI, infrastructure modernization, Cloud Adoption Framework, cloud-native apps, and Windows Virtual Desktop. Through a mix of learning and hands-on experiences, these cutting-edge workshops are designed to help you take purposeful steps to achieve your vision of greater agility as you adapt to ever-changing business needs.


We bieden deze informatie ook in het Nederlands aan, klik hier.


Why attend?
› Build confidence in the cloud to see your company’s visions through.
› Develop essential skills to take advantage of all that Azure services have to offer.
› Modernize your organization’s capabilities for today’s changing work environment.

Is your preferred date no longer available? The number of participants per workshop is limited to keep the sessions interactive. Is your preferred date not listed or maybe fully booked? Let us know! Send an email to DiscovNL@microsoft.com. You will then be the first to have the opportunity to register when the workshop is available again!

These sessions are intended for end users. For Partner Training we would like to refer you to the Learning Portal.

Data & AI Workshops
Innovate with AI
Database Modernization
SQL modernization

Digital & Application Innovation Workshops
Cloud Native Apps
Modernize Java Apps
DevOps with GitHub

Infrastructure Workshops
Azure Virtual Desktop
Hybrid Cloud Solutions
Infrastructure Modernization
Cloud Adoption Framework

Data & AI Workshops

Innovate with AI

Target audience: architects, IT-administrators, data scientists and developers
Three key topics to be covered at the event:
› Understand the value that Azure AI can bring to your business.
› See Azure AI in action with a live demonstration.
› Choose to learn more about machine learning, Azure Synapse, and AML; knowledge mining; or cognitive services and bots for your hands-on lab.
Specialized partners: Macaw, Avanade

Available workshops: No new sessions planned for now.


Target audience: architects, IT-administrators, data scientists and developers
Three key topics to be covered at the event:
› Understand the value that Azure AI can bring to your business.
› See Azure AI in action with a live demonstration.
› Choose to learn more about machine learning, Azure Synapse, and AML; knowledge mining; or cognitive services and bots for your hands-on lab.
Specialized partners: Macaw, Avanade

Available workshops:

Date Time Info Registration 
9 May 2023 09:00-13:00 Virtual Coming soon

Database Modernization

Target audience: IT-professionals (IT-implementers, IT-administrators), developers, database analysts, and architects
Three key topics to be covered at the event:
› Learn how to migrate apps and databases to Azure.
› Gain knowledge to apply associated technology stacks to your organization’s data.
› Experience an immersive hands-on lab with Azure SQL Managed Instance.
Specialized partners: Inspark

Available workshops:

Date Time Info Registration 
no English sessions planned in 2023 check the Dutch website

SQL Modernization

Target audience: Data architects, Database admin, Data engineer
Key topics to be covered at the event:

  1. Do More With Less: Migrate & Modernize your SQL on prem estate 
  2. Migrate & Modernize Part 1: Migrating databases to Azure & DB Migration LAB
  3. Migrate & Modernize Part 2: Migrating SSIS processes to Azure Data Factory & LAB
  4. Migrate & Modernize Part 3: Administering, monitoring and tuning databases in Azure
  5. Migrate & Modernize Part 4: Securing SQL databases in Azure & LAB

Specialized partners: SoftwareOne

Available workshops:

Date Time Info Registration 
March 28th, 2023 9:30 – 16:00 uur In person @Microsoft Office, Amsterdam, Schiphol Registration closed

Digital & Application Innovation Workshops

Cloud Native Apps

Target audience: architects, IT-administrators and developers
Three key topics to be covered at the event:
› Learn the basics of Kubernetes and building cloud-native apps.
› See how Microsoft technologies can help you build scalable and resilient modernized apps.
› Experience a hands-on lab to get you comfortable with cloud-native application development.
Specialized partner: EPAM, InfoSupport

Available workshops: No new sessions planned for now.

Modernize Java Apps

Target audience: developers, IT-professionals (IT-implementers)​
​Three key topics to be covered at the event:
› Discover the range of hosting options for Java applications on Azure.
› Learn how to design solutions that incorporate DevOps tooling.
› Participate in hands-on lab for Azure Spring Cloud to take microservices to production.​
Specialized partners: Nordcloud

Available workshops: No new sessions planned for now.

DevOps with GitHub

Target audience: IT-professionals (IT-implementers)
Three key topics to be covered at the event:
› How Microsoft and GitHub implement DevOps across multiple engineering teams.
› Deep dive into DevOps concepts and areas you need to consider when approaching a complete, end-to-end tool chain.
› Process required to implement a modern DevOps approach to improve your productivity and developer velocity.
Specialized partner: Xpirit

Available workshops: No new sessions planned for now.

Infrastructure Workshops

Azure Digital Desktop

Target audience: architects, IT-administrators and developers
Three key topics to be covered at the event:
› Develop skills to design and implement virtual desktop structure on Azure.
› Become familiar with AVD.
› Create your own AVD architecture and learn how to operationalize your virtual desktop in two hands-on labs.
Specialized partners: Wortell, Macaw, Axians

Available workshops:

Date Time Info Registration 
No English sessions planned in 2023 check the Dutch website

Hybrid Cloud Solutions

Target audience: IT-professionals, engineers, architects and developers
Three key topics to be covered at the event:
› Have hands-on experience using Azure hybrid solutions to learn the value of hybrid processes and tools for your organization.
› Discover how to extend Azure services to on-premises, cloud, and multicloud environments.
› Explore a more holistic, flexible approach to your technology.
Specialized partners: SoftwareOne

Available workshops: No new sessions planned for now.

Infrastructure Modernization

Target audience: architects, IT-administrators and developers
Three key topics to be covered at the event:
› Learn how to confidently migrate on-premises infrastructures to Azure.
› Go beyond technical aspects with additional guidance on cloud adoption frameworks.
› Participate in two hands-on labs focused on Windows, SQL, and Linux migration.
Specialized partners: Nordcloud, Ilionx

Available workshops:

Date Time Info Registration 
No English sessions planned in 2023 check the Dutch website


Cloud Adoption Framework

Target audience: IT-professionals (TDM, IT Implementers)​ and cloud architects
Three key topics to be covered at the event:
› Gain a high-level overview of the Cloud Adoption Framework and how it helps you strategize, plan and be ready to adopt cloud technologies.
› Learn about Azure landing zones and the different implementation options.
› See how Govern and Manage methodologies of the Cloud Adoption Framework can help you run a cloud portfolio with proper guardrails.
Specialized partners: Wortell, Nordcloud

Available workshops: No new sessions planned for now.

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Werk je volgende geweldige idee uit met Azure

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