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In the past year, I have seen AI technology make significant strides. However, many organizations still struggle to fully leverage AI to achieve their business goals. In fact, 61% of companies believe that AI is a game changer for their industry, but only 11% have made significant progress in digital transformation. Our Microsoft AI Acceleration Program aims to address this gap. Designed for easy adoption and responsible use, the program leverages Microsoft’s extensive experience and partnerships to boost your operations with AI.

The AI Acceleration Program, which has already proven effective in other countries when it comes to accelerating AI adoption, started in Italy, but we quickly realized it was relevant across markets. Many organizations are asking the same questions: How do we integrate AI into our core business? What impact will AI have on our operating model? How do we scale smaller AI projects? Over the past 12 months, we and our dedicated AI partners have gained valuable insights that address these questions, and we want to share that insight – that’s what this program is all about. 

The AI Acceleration Program is designed to help organizations accelerate their innovation process, whether they are looking to gain a deeper understanding of AI or speed up their business implementation.

Adapting to Diverse AI Challenges is Key to the Program

Our program is based on best practices and respects the different situations that organizations face with AI. It is tailored to each organization because businesses rarely have the same challenges. Some might struggle to move on from the first few use cases, while others need help strategizing their AI approach. Together with our launch partners, we can help organizations at various stages of their AI journey. What we require in return is a genuine desire to use AI as part of their digital transformation, and we hope many courageous organizations will take this opportunity.

The launch partners were selected for their deep insight and experience with AI and the variety of core competencies they bring. Some of our partners are experts in building or developing AI solutions, while others excel in driving transformations and change management programs, and yet others master the discipline of AI implementation. Often, organizations need a mix of these capabilities when working with AI because it has the potential to impact the entire business. And organizations risk losing ground to international competitors if they are not ready to release the value potential of AI – quickly and safely. That requires teaming up with qualified partners.


Responsibility at the Core of the Program

Our Microsoft’s AI Acceleration Program follows responsible AI principles aligned with the EU AI Act. These principles ensure that organizations can adopt AI confidently, knowing that ethical considerations and compliance are integral to the program.

Responsible use of AI is front and center for us, and we are well aware of our responsibility. As the world changes and compliance and data security regulations grow in number and complexity, this responsibility has never been more important. Many organizations now work in a cloud environment, which serves as the foundation for fully leveraging AI solutions. Here, a shared responsibility model applies, and with the use of AI comes additional customer responsibilities that customers need to be aware of.

Bring Your AI Ambitions

Our Microsoft Technology Center – MTC plays a crucial role in the program. It’s where organizations can bring ideas to life, be inspired, and get feedback from Microsoft and its partners. Our MTC is an important part of the program. It’s where we bring organizations to test ideas and address not just the technology but also the transformative aspects that AI brings. At the Microsoft Technology Center, we conduct ideation workshops, strategy sessions, and architecture design sessions, and we test key technical capabilities in sprints such as hackathons. The MTC is thus an essential part of the program – but workshops and sessions can take place everywhere – what matters is that we put the right people in the same room and start dreaming.

The critical questions for you are: Where is your business today and where can AI take you? I invite organizations to apply: Our AI Acceleration Program is open to those aiming to accelerate and scale AI adoption in a straightforward, fast, and responsible manner. If you’re ready to make a significant change, I encourage you to apply and bring your AI ambitions to the program. You can apply here: AI Acceleration Program Denmark (microsoft.com)

How to Be Part of the Microsoft AI Acceleration Program?

You can take part in the AI Acceleration Program by reaching out to your Microsoft contact or to the contacts below. They will schedule a short meeting to discuss your idea, product, or strategy and help you assess whether the Microsoft AI Acceleration Program is right for you.

Reach out to your Microsoft contact or: msdkaiap@microsoft.com

If you want more information on how to start your journey


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