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Energinet expects to Triple Electricity and Gas Capacity with AI

Energinet expects to Triple Electricity and Gas Capacity with AI

Energinet is an independent public enterprise owned by the Danish Ministry of Climate and Energy. They own, operate and develop the transmission systems for electricity and natural gas in Denmark and aim to triple their capacity within a few years. Therefore, they have integrated AI into a wide range of processes and now, they are […]

Kit Ingwersen

Kit Ingwersen

Go-To-Market Lead - Modern Work

Arla Foods: Insights from testing Copilot for Microsoft 365

Arla Foods: Insights from testing Copilot for Microsoft 365

Arla Foods, a leading international dairy company, worked with Microsoft on Copilot for Microsoft 365 to explore potential gains in productivity, quality, and well-being among its workforce. Digital Change Lead, Anna Kristensen, and Transformation Management Officer, Kasper Fænø Bay Noer, share their insights into the test process, challenges, and the strategic approach in integrating Copilot […]

Kit Ingwersen

Kit Ingwersen

Go-To-Market Lead - Modern Work

En AI-robot kan være din bedste ven i en sårbar situation

En AI-robot kan være din bedste ven i en sårbar situation

Nyt projekt på Rigshospitalet bruger AI til de svære spørgsmål for patienter med mistanke om skjoldbruskkirtelkræft. En chatbot som blandt andet er udviklet i samarbejde med 2021.AI og Microsoft, skal både aflaste medarbejderne og gøre patienterne klogere på deres sygdom. Perspektivet er gigantisk, for tanken er at folde lignende projekter ud i alle dele af […]

Morten Skøtt

Morten Skøtt

Head of Communication

Elevating Cybersecurity in Mergers: How Alm. Brand Group Unified IT Security with Microsoft

Elevating Cybersecurity in Mergers: How Alm. Brand Group Unified IT Security with Microsoft

The merger of Danish insurance companies Alm. Brand and Codan has created one of the largest insurance groups in Denmark, bringing together more than 700,000 customers in the new Alm. Brand Group. Through their future IT landscape – named ‘The Insurance Platform of the Future’ – Alm. Brand Group will develop and provide insurance solutions […]

Jurate Beniulyte

Jurate Beniulyte

Go To Market Lead - Security

Succeeding with AI means succeeding with adoption

Succeeding with AI means succeeding with adoption

Photographer Kurt Hoppe and Realdania By & Byg How Implement Consulting Group has championed Copilot for M365 adoption, enhancing AI-driven efficiency and quality in daily work Today, generative AI is not just knocking at the door; it has already taken center stage, reshaping industries, and altering the approaches to problem-solving and innovation. Global consultancy company […]

Emilie Bendix Olsen

Emilie Bendix Olsen

Partner Technology Strategist

Globeteam har med Microsoft Azure Arc skabt en moderne hybrid management platform til drift af deres kunder, som gør det muligt at øge kundetilfredsheden og samtidig sænke omkostninger

Globeteam har med Microsoft Azure Arc skabt en moderne hybrid management platform til drift af deres kunder, som gør det muligt at øge kundetilfredsheden og samtidig sænke omkostninger

Globeteam besluttede i 2023 at samle al management af deres kunders it-platforme ét sted for kontinuerligt at optimere IT driften og forbedre kundetilfredshed. Udgangspunktet for at dét lykkes er at anvende Azure som management platform, og at Azure Arc enable workloads uanset, hvor disse er placeret.   “Vores passionerede vision er nu blevet til virkelighed, […]

Maria  Galvez

Maria Galvez

CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

EET Implements Microsoft Dynamics 365 to Create a Scalable Business Model

EET Implements Microsoft Dynamics 365 to Create a Scalable Business Model

EET, a leading value-adding IT distributor has embarked on a path of innovation and growth by implementing Microsoft Dynamics 365 across the entire organization. The ambition is to increase profitability and grow by +50 percent in the next three years, leveraging opportunities for increased digitalization, operational scalability, and a heightened focus on customer centricity.  “Our […]

Bo Kaaber

Bo Kaaber

GTM Lead – Dynamics 365 and Power Platform

Post Nord

PostNord Strålfors tilbyder sikker datahåndtering på en cloudbaseret Microsoft-løsning

PostNord Strålfors er en ledende leverandør af digitale kommunikationsløsninger i Norden med mere end 100 års erfaring. I dag er deres primære fokus at hjælpe virksomheder og offentlige myndigheder med at digitalisere, effektivisere og automatisere deres kommunikation, så de kan levere digital post og dokumenter på en sikker og pålidelig måde. Datasikkerhed og tryghed er […]

Jurate Beniulyte

Jurate Beniulyte

Go To Market Lead - Security

EWII Revolutionizes Customer Engagement and Energy Consumption with Innovative Solutions

EWII Revolutionizes Customer Engagement and Energy Consumption with Innovative Solutions

EWII, one of Denmark’s leading utility Companies, embarked on a mission to become the most customer-centric and innovative supply supermarket. With a focus on personalized experiences, EWII, in collaboration with Immeo, transformed how customers interacted with their energy consumption. By leveraging data, they provided tailored solutions to optimize electricity, water, heat, and internet usage. Through […]

Cecilie Bergendorff

Cecilie Bergendorff

Partner Communication & Event Lead

Working together

Lucinity Employs Microsoft Azure OpenAI to Revolutionize Anti-Money Laundering Measures

In an era where financial crimes are rampant and vigilance is critical, innovative fintech company Lucinity has harnessed the power of Microsoft Azure OpenAI to reinvent its approach to financial crime prevention For many banks and fintech businesses, it is common to find frontline analysts and financial crime investigators spending several hours analyzing data, sometimes […]

Dardan Dashaj

Dardan Dashaj

Go To Market Lead - Azure

Ambitiøst facility management-projekt baseret på Azure giver AU bedre muligheder for at spare tid, penge og energi

Ambitiøst facility management-projekt baseret på Azure giver AU bedre muligheder for at spare tid, penge og energi

Med data, systemer, enheder og anlæg fra 700.000 m2 bygningsmasse koblet sammen i én styringsmodel får Aarhus Universitet flere værktøjer til at automatisere og optimere bygningsdriften. Omfanget af Aarhus Universitets (AU) facility management-projekt navngivet “Intelligente Bygninger” er så stort, at man først rigtigt forstår potentialet, når det bliver afgrænset til konkrete business cases. Eksempelvis hvordan […]

Microsoft Uddannelse

Microsoft Uddannelse

Vi brænder for teknologi der gør undervisningen bedre

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