AI & Azure Empowerment: Enabling intelligent solutions for improving performance, mitigating risks, and accelerating innovation

Anna Torlyk

Anna Torlyk

Social Community Engagement MC

Læsetid, 3 min.

Everything is moving faster – and with the Copilots, speed is only increasing. With new digital assistants built into the everyday tools, every employee can be more productive, with all the benefits that follow. At Microsoft Technical Briefing Day, Microsoft experts offered insights into how migrating to Azure and getting the most out of new digital assistants, such as Copilot, affects developers and IT professionals.

Capabilities of M365 Copilot

Jon Jahren, the Director of Azure Data & AI at Microsoft Norway & Denmark, spearheaded the main session with a deep dive into the state of Microsoft’s Copilots. Jon Jahren emphasized the dynamic nature of AI underscoring the comprehensive capabilities, extending beyond mere computational tasks to more human-like interactions.

“We’re now at the level where these AI machines can behave like us. They can see, hear, talk, understand, and interact with human beings, and they can solve tasks for us when we need increased productivity.”

– Jon Jahren, Director of Azure Data & AI, Microsoft Norway & Denmark

Jahren highlighted AI’s ability to solve problems through code generation, even when direct solutions aren’t apparent, by providing intelligent and creative solutions at a speed humans cannot match.

Dawai Yao, Senior Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft, elaborated on this by demonstrating how users can unlock value from their data with analytics. He highlighted how Copilot can be used to transform the data and boost developer productivity.

Building your own Copilot in Azure


Andreas Sønderbæk, Data and AI Specialist at Microsoft, shared the nuances of extending the capabilities and building your own Copilot. This provides a roadmap for IT professionals to harness the technology effectively.

According to Andreas Sønderbæk, building your own Copilot will increase productivity and customer experience, creating a competitive edge.

“To be honest, it’s only your imagination that sets boundaries. You can basically build everything with our Azure Cloud platform.”

– Andreas Sønderbæk, Data and AI Specialist, Microsoft Denmark

Azure AI Studio is a new solution offered by Microsoft. It is a platform currently in public preview, consisting of all the pre-built capabilities users would find elsewhere in Azure. Hereby, it provides everything users need to build intelligent applications.

In the following breakout session, Jon Jahren demonstrated how to build a scalable, flexible, high-performance app with Azure.

Responsible AI practices

The event also offered best practices on exactly how to move workloads to the cloud via Azure solutions. In the breakout session “Securely Migrate Your Infrastructure to Azure” hosted by Michael Jonsson, Senior Solution Architect at Microsoft, Michael outlined some of the benefits of moving to the cloud – including enhanced security.

“Security is business critical, and if you migrate to Azure, you know your software is always compliant.”

–  Michael Jonsson, Senior Solution Architect, Microsoft

Security and the responsible use of AI are top of mind at Microsoft. For this reason, Microsoft has established an AI ethics committee overseeing how the principles and standards should be developed, while a responsible AI office is enforcing those principles within the organization. Furthermore, Microsoft has created an AI standard with different tools and guidelines and announced a copyright commitment.

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