New! Microsoft AI Acceleration Program
This program is not just about integrating AI; it’s about transforming operations and overcoming the hurdles that often accompany the adoption of such advanced technology. Learn more about our program!
Tag den digitale revolution til dig, og få uendelige muligheder – transformér driften, og sæt fart på innovationen. Opdag, hvordan du bliver en datadreven organisation, og download vores ."Roadmap to Digital Infinity".
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New! Microsoft AI Acceleration Program
This program is not just about integrating AI; it’s about transforming operations and overcoming the hurdles that often accompany the adoption of such advanced technology. Learn more about our program!
Maria Galvez
CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland
Microsoft Ignite Denmark – Practical Information
Practical Information related to Microsoft Ignite Denmark March 21st Taxi Ordering Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center uses the taxi company 4×35. Taxi rides can be ordered through the Concierge. Usually, it takes about 10 minutes from ordering to the arrival of the taxi, depending on city traffic. If you are a group and require a […]
Maria Galvez
CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland
Microsoft Ignite Denmark – Agenda
Microsoft Ignite Denmark is a full day event that will bring together developers, IT professionals, and business leaders to learn, connect, and explore the latest innovations in cloud, data, AI, and security. You will have the opportunity to hear from Microsoft experts and industry leaders, attend interactive sessions, network with peers and partners, and get […]
Maria Galvez
CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland
From autopilot to Copilot: Unveiling How to Copilot Your way to success.
The largest auditorium at Microsoft Denmark in Lyngby was packed to capacity on November 7th as attendees gathered for the much-awaited event Copilot Your Way to Success. “I think it’s safe to say that the Copilot hype is real,” Kit Ingwersen, Modern Work & Surface Business Group Lead at Microsoft Denmark, said in her welcoming […]
Anna Torlyk
Social Community Engagement MC
EET Implements Microsoft Dynamics 365 to Create a Scalable Business Model
EET, a leading value-adding IT distributor has embarked on a path of innovation and growth by implementing Microsoft Dynamics 365 across the entire organization. The ambition is to increase profitability and grow by +50 percent in the next three years, leveraging opportunities for increased digitalization, operational scalability, and a heightened focus on customer centricity. “Our […]
Bo Kaaber
GTM Lead – Dynamics 365 and Power Platform
Story House Egmont’s Transition to Modern Azure Infrastructure Creates Fresh Avenues in Dynamic Market
Story House Egmont is part of the more than 100-year-old Nordic media group Egmont. As the name indicates, Story House Egmont is the guardian of tales. Armed with a diverse arsenal of platforms spanning magazines, digital media, e-commerce, and agencies Story House Egmont is continuously developing its core business to respond to a rapidly evolving […]
Dardan Dashaj
Go To Market Lead - Azure
SEGES Innovation drives sustainable transformation in agriculture using AI and a new data science vision
SEGES Innovation and twoday kapacity have partnered to revolutionize agriculture using AI. As Denmark’s top agricultural knowledge and innovation center, SEGES Innovation is dedicated to driving sustainability and innovation in farming. Together, they have created a customized AI platform using twoday kapacity’s Best Practice MLOps Framework, catering to farmers’ specific needs. To enhance their achievements, […]
Cecilie Bergendorff
Partner Communication & Event Lead
Delegate and ISS: An Optimal Workplace Using IoT Data
Delegate collaborated closely with Microsoft and ISS to develop an IoT data platform which offers insights into workplace comfort factors (temperature, humidity, CO2, and noise levels), monitors room usage and availability, and collects waste information to reduce the CO2 footprint. This data-driven approach ensures an optimal working environment in ISS buildings for the benefit of […]
Cecilie Bergendorff
Partner Communication & Event Lead
Lægefaglig direktør: “Vi skal udbygge samarbejdet mellem den offentlige sektor og private aktører”
I en føjleton om fremtidens murstensløse hospital har Microsoft talt med fem repræsentanter fra sundhedssektoren, som giver hver deres perspektiv på fremtidens hospital og dets rolle i sundhedsvæsenet. Lægefaglig direktør Thomas Larsen mener, at hospitalssektoren skal have fokus på at hjælpe patienten på en anden måde i dag. Hvordan ser fremtiden for det murstensløse hospital […]
Maria Damborg Hald
Direktør for Public Sector
Lægefaglig vicedirektør: ”Vi er nødt til at tænke i effektivisering og digitalisering”
Repræsentanter fra hele sundhedssektoren var samlet hos Microsoft for at diskutere, hvordan potentialet i fremtidens murstensløse hospital bliver indfriet. Microsoft har efterfølgende sat fem af deltagerne i stævne for at høre deres perspektiver på fremtidens hospital og dets rolle i sundhedsvæsenet, og hvad de tager med sig fra arrangementet. I denne første artikel møder vi […]
Maria Damborg Hald
Direktør for Public Sector
Sygehusdirektør: ”Et kæmpe potentiale i det murstensløse hospital”
I en føjleton om fremtidens murstensløse hospital har vi talt med fem repræsentanter fra sundhedssektoren, som giver hver deres perspektiv på fremtidens hospital og dets rolle i sundhedsvæsenet. I denne artikel fortæller sygehusdirektør fra Nykøbing Falster Sygehus, Ricco Norman Dyhr, om vigtigheden af at bevæge behandlingen væk fra hospitalerne og tættere på folks hjem. Hvordan […]
Maria Damborg Hald
Direktør for Public Sector
Læge og iværksætter: “Opbygning af kompetencer er afgørende for, at vi kan udvikle løsninger, der skaber reelle forandringer”
I en føjleton om fremtidens murstensløse hospital har vi talt med fem repræsentanter fra sundhedssektoren, som giver hver deres perspektiv på fremtidens hospital og dets rolle i sundhedsvæsenet. Læge og iværksætter Martin Vesterby ser kompetenceopbygning som en altafgørende forudsætning. Hvordan ser fremtiden for det murstensløse hospital ud og hvor stort er potentialet? Det var det […]
Maria Damborg Hald
Direktør for Public Sector
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