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Introduction Microsoft Innovation & Inspiration Program

Microsoft Nederland

Microsoft Nederland

Microsoft Nederland

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Introducing our Microsoft Innovation & Inspiration Program

A well-known saying goes: “If you want to go fast, go alone; but go together if you want to go far.”  Inspired by this, we proudly announce the Microsoft Inspiration & Innovation Program (MIIP). This is a collaboration between education institutions, SURFconsortium, and Microsoft to work on education challenges, such as:

  1. The digital transformation in education: Nowadays, it is no secret that technology plays a vital role in our everyday lives. As technology progresses, industries are expected to adapt to these fast-paced changes. Therefore, this heavily impacted the content of the curriculum but also the student journey, how teachers communicate with their students, the approach of teaching, and the classroom.
  2. The tight labor market: There is a shortage of teachers in the education industry. Three main factors play a huge role: the aging population, exposure to stressful working conditions, and making the profession compelling to the younger generation.
  3. Shortage of ICT staff: The ICT department is struggling to find the right resources due to the high work pressure. This results in budget delaying and affects the quality of projects.

With those challenges impacting the education system, we think it is important to bundle our forces and jointly work on these challenges by launching the Microsoft Innovation & Inspiration Program (MIIP). The program will focus on three pillars:

  1. Operational excellence: Explore the opportunities and work together to maximize the value and drive adoption of the Microsoft licenses, like TEAM EDU in hybrid learning scenarios or implementing security software.
  2. Innovation: Jointly run innovation programs like a journey to the cloud or drive skills programs on M365, Azure, and Dynamics365 – for teachers, students, and institutions.
  3. Transformation of Education: Creating a base for personalized learning, virtual universities, micro-credentials for students.

Eligible for participation

MIIP is accessible to all educational institutions with general and specific challenges. We focus on institutions that commit to active participation. The scope of the program is related to the level of education:

  • Primary schools and special education – coordinated by APS
  • Secondary schools – coordinated by SLB
  • Higher education – coordinated by SURF

Who is involved, and how are they helping you?


Microsoft will invest in best practices, skills programs for educators and students, resources, cofounding programs, and driving the program.


SURF, SLB, ABS will be the driving and coordinating force to make sure the program aligns with the needs of educational institutions in a scalable fashion.

Education institutions

Education institutions will run pilot projects to validate the (business) value while investing mainly in resourcing.

Microsoft Certified Partners

Microsoft Certified Partners will help us build, test, and implement innovative projects. The main objective is to create synergy in the education market. Therefore, our partners share the outcome of the projects & solutions amongst all institutions.

What is on the agenda of MIIP?

We organize multiple events, workshops, and other activities. So, everybody in the education field can learn, adapt, innovate their expertise. All events and programs are publicly available.

Get in touch with the right people.

Do you have any other questions? Do not hesitate and drop your questions! We are more than happy to provide you with all the necessary information.

General questions & our partners related questions

  • General: Armand Bloem (Microsoft, Higher Education Lead)
  • Partners: Lieke Meeuwissen (Microsoft, Partner Development Manager)

Program & ideas

  • Jurre Laven (SURF, Manager Procurement & Contracting)
  • Jan Bakker (APS, Directeur)
  • Charles Stork (SLB, Chief Partner Officer)

Microsoft Innovation & Inspiration Program

Microsoft Inspiration & Innovation Program is a collaboration between Microsoft, SURFconsortium, and education institutions. It focuses on operational excellence, innovation, and transformation in the Dutch education industry.

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