Semina Vagiakou

Semina Vagiakou

Integrated Marketing Manager | Microsoft Western Europe

Marketing professional with passion for innovative and data driven digital marketing.


Why 83% of tech execs see opportunities to accelerate innovation with AI
Why 83% of tech execs see opportunities to accelerate innovation with AI

The age of AI has arrived. According to 83 percent of technical decision makers, Artificial Intelligence offers their companies more opportunity to innovate than ever before. But what’s the best way to ensure AI can boost innovation in your organization? In its latest survey of 536 technical decision makers, Forrester have attempted to answer that […]

Semina Vagiakou

Semina Vagiakou

Integrated Marketing Manager | Microsoft Western Europe

Employability Microsoft Learn
Digital skills: a pillar for employment

Imagine that you work in a chain of clothing stores, another global pandemic arrives, and your company has to close. Imagine now that they tell you that you can only keep your job if you have digital skills to handle online orders or manage customer data in the cloud or plan the company’s cybersecurity… could […]

Semina Vagiakou

Semina Vagiakou

Integrated Marketing Manager | Microsoft Western Europe

Microsoft Certifications: a competitive advantage you should consider
Microsoft Certifications: a competitive advantage you should consider

Although it may seem ironic in the digital world we live in, it’s hard to find technological profiles on the job market that satisfy the real needs of companies. Microsoft Certifications offers a real competitive advantage for both job candidates and the companies searching for them. This is why. How to get Microsoft Certified for […]

Semina Vagiakou

Semina Vagiakou

Integrated Marketing Manager | Microsoft Western Europe

Railway Sustainable Futures
Polish energy supplier dashes toward a green future with Microsoft Azure

On track to making emission-free railways in Poland, PKP Energetyka blends the analytical capabilities of Power BI with Azure Machine Learning’s predictive forecasting models. A solution developed in tandem with Microsoft partner Elitmind enabled real-time management of renewable sources to secure appropriate energy levels for powering rails. With this new system, the company stays on […]

Semina Vagiakou

Semina Vagiakou

Integrated Marketing Manager | Microsoft Western Europe

Sustainable futures
Sustainable futures: Inspiring stories of transformation across industries

Over the past decade, the sustainability agenda has become an imperative. With the EU and national governments requiring ever more stringent reporting against key sustainability measurables, every organization in Europe now has a clear mandate to address. The bad news? Most organizations are still using outdated technology to measure their progress. This makes it increasingly […]

Semina Vagiakou

Semina Vagiakou

Integrated Marketing Manager | Microsoft Western Europe

Forest Sustainability
How Microsoft is helping to grow a startup planting forests

The idea took root in Spain, in the dusty foothills of the Cantabrian Mountains. Where once there had been just fields and scrub, foresters were now hard at work planting thousands of seedlings, among them oak, walnut, cherry and birch. They named the forest Génesis.   It had all been paid for by startup Reforestum […]

Semina Vagiakou

Semina Vagiakou

Integrated Marketing Manager | Microsoft Western Europe

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