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How Microsoft Learn is helping students to bridge the technical skills gap
How Microsoft Learn is helping students to bridge the technical skills gap

The role of educators in society is to empower the next generation for the road ahead. In today’s classrooms, that means equipping students with the skills to allow them to thrive in a digital future.  Already, digital literacy is an integral part of curriculums across Europe, from primary school upwards. For higher education  providers, however, […]

Vânia Neto

Vânia Neto

Education Skills Lead | Microsoft Western Europe

Employability Microsoft Learn
Digital skills: a pillar for employment

Imagine that you work in a chain of clothing stores, another global pandemic arrives, and your company has to close. Imagine now that they tell you that you can only keep your job if you have digital skills to handle online orders or manage customer data in the cloud or plan the company’s cybersecurity… could […]

Semina Vagiakou

Semina Vagiakou

Integrated Marketing Manager | Microsoft Western Europe

2 young girls playing Minecraft in front of a laptop
4 resources to help educators reimagine computer science in the curriculum

Our world is changing fast. COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly accelerated Digital Transformation and all business sectors and institutions have shifted to hybrid work and digital delivery. This has had a huge consequence on required job skills. According to analysis by LinkedIn and Microsoft, 149 million more digital jobs will be created by 2025, in fields […]

Vânia Neto

Vânia Neto

Education Skills Lead | Microsoft Western Europe

How the FH JOANNEUM University is preparing students for new skillset demands with the Microsoft Learn for Educators Program
How the FH JOANNEUM University is preparing students for new skillset demands with the Microsoft Learn for Educators Program

“Nowadays, if you want to pursue a career in medical informatics, you need to be highly skilled in software engineering, machine learning and more. Fortunately, that’s where the Microsoft courses are making the difference for me – helping me to start my learning journey and acquire the basis knowledge to later build expertise upon.” Daniel […]

Vânia Neto

Vânia Neto

Education Skills Lead | Microsoft Western Europe

a desktop computer sitting on top of a desk
How Microsoft helps customers adopt Azure through developer education

The pace of change in technology has never been as a fast as it is today and all indications are that this pace will continue to increase. The 2020 paper “Jobs of Tomorrow” published by the World Economic Forum estimates that “fully meeting the labor market demand for emerging professions and skills to meet the needs […]

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Microsoft, Applications & Infrastructure

a man standing in front of a laptop computer
Now’s the time to invest in your digital skills

We’re living through a transformative period for working practices. Organisations of all kinds have adopted new digital ways of working to keep their staff functioning remotely. But it’s not only WHERE we work – it’s HOW we work that’s changing. A survey by the auditing firm EY has found that almost half of company bosses […]

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Microsoft, Applications & Infrastructure

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