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Varberg municipality invested in Rubrik’s back up platform



Lästid, 3 min.

Rubrik helps organizations and companies to achieve control of digitally driven business economics, cloud mobility and regulatory compliance in conjunction with a solid routine for backing up all data. Through a collaboration between Rubrik, Atea and Microsoft, the municipality of Varberg has installed parts of Rubrik’s complete solution.

The installation has meant that the municipality of Varberg now can, with regularity and simplicity, test re-reading of business-critical data. This creates security among employees, a mistake does not have to be a disaster, but data is easier to recreate if the accident should occur. The municipality of Varberg bought a so-called ”Brik” from Rubrik through Atea for the protection of virtual machines and databases in its internal operating environment. A ”Brik” from Rubrik has built-in encryption and protection against Ransomware through so-called ”Indestructible storage”.

The solution is easy to set up and manage in daily operation, which gave Varberg municipality a significant saving in working hours and consulting efforts. Rubrik’s collaboration with Microsoft and integration with Azure also provides the opportunity to easily use Azure to store backups outside its own data center while maintaining a high level of security and encryption.

In addition to advanced backup and restore functionality with integration with Azure, Rubrik can also be used to start up historical copies of virtual machines and databases. Improved security and protection against ransomware and data loss make Rubrik an advantageous and future-proof solution. The municipality of Varberg also uses this to create test environments and advanced recovery tests. The municipality will also evaluate the heading for handling data stored in Microsoft 365 in order to obtain the same simplicity and protection against data loss.


”I have never heard such positive comments from my technicians after the introduction of a new product.”

 /Rosita Ahlstedt, Operations Manager


Time for renewal ” previous backup system from 2014 began to feel outdated and required around half an hour of monitoring and administration every day, compared to the fact that today we have no real time for administration at all,” says David Johansson, IT technician at Varberg municipality.

“Since we installed Rubrik about six months ago, we can more easily perform real tests of, for example, reloading data into our different business systems. Security was the most important point when we made the decision to choose Rubrik. ” David adds that he has benefited greatly from Rubrik’s own knowledge database. Rubrik’s Twitter account has also been an important source of knowledge about how Rubrik’s system can be used even more efficiently.



”Rubrik is incredibly easy to manage compared to the previous backup system, says David.
Rubrik´s user interface for data backup is intuitive and very easy to understand.”

/ David Johansson IT technician at Varberg municipality


Other municipalities constituted a reference

Prior to the installation, Varberg’s municipality’s project group contacted other Swedish municipalities that had already started using Rubrik. The municipality of Varberg then installed parts of Rubrik’s entire backup solution.

Rosita Ahlstedt: ”Secure and modern backup systems are something all employees take for granted that an IT department handles, everyone can make mistakes and delete data by mistake and with Rubrik we can more easily than before restore our lost information.”

David Johansson points out The interface makes it easy to work with Rubrik. The previous system did not provide the same level of security and there was also concern about future performance issues with the old solution.

Now there are also routines for upgrading firmware and support agreements with Rubrik. Rubrik and Microsoft work closely together as Rubrik’s software is sold together with Microsoft’s platform Azure.

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