Lesetid, 1 min.

On March 21st, we held the first ever Norwegian Fintech Cloud Community in our offices in Oslo! Thank you to both technical/developer leads and business leaders for joining us for this day of inspirational talks by other financial organisations and cloud experts from Microsoft, as they shared best practices in building solutions in the cloud. We hope you enjoyed our first session and networking opportunity and that we will see you again soon for more refill of cloud conversations in the financial sector!

Thank you to all speakers, especially our guests:

  • Storebrand: Julia Hegelstad, Arne Sæther, Arne Martin Moen
  • Sparebank 1 Utvikling: Matthew Greenham, Erhan Sanlioglu, Roger Carson
  • Devoteam M Cloud: Marius Pedersen

Check out all decks from the day here: Presentations from Fintech Cloud Community

Learn more about delivering a multi-tenant Azure platform. Our local session with SpareBank 1 Utvikling was hosted as part of Ignite 2022. Norway’s second largest financial concern explain how they developed a shared Azure platform that is modern, scalable and delivered with a single deployment. All this in a in a unique multi-tenant landscape. ALZ, Bicep, DevOps IaC, Azure policy, Privatelink DNS; Just some of the topics that covered in this session Spotlight on Norway – Events | Microsoft Learn

This session was delivered as part of the Microsoft Ignite 2022 event. Discover and watch more on-demand videos from Microsoft Ignite 2022

See you next time! Keep up to date on Microsoft hosted events here

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