a man and a woman standing in front of a Surface Hub 2S
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Today. Yesterday. Tomorrow.

In the modern workplace, every day is a new challenge. That’s what makes it so fun.

Work today is dynamic and creative, which means variety, surprise, exploration. It means breaking boundaries and discovering new spaces and ways for people to interact and collaborate.

Because through all the changes we’ve seen, it remains true that we do our best work when we work together.

Teamwork anywhere

More than 50% of work done today is accomplished through collaboration1. This makes facilitating team interaction a key business challenge in the modern workplace.

The creative use of space can provide teams with breakout areas to gather and share ideas. But with 70% of professionals working somewhere other than the office at least one day week2, we also need devices to bring team members to the room, regardless of their physical location.

That means a mobile device that can be moved easily from one area of the office to the next. A device that can bring remote teams together so they can work just as they would in person. A device that we can interact with naturally to achieve our goals.

A device for every modern workplace

The Surface Hub 2S has been designed with this vision in mind. A digital whiteboard, a meetings platform and a collaborative computing device – all rolled into one – it brings the power of Windows 10 to teamwork.

Cordless mobility allows you to experience teamwork without boundaries, while its 4K camera and screen will bring remote team members into the room, helping them be heard and seen, and to participate in meetings as though they were there.

Fully integrated with Microsoft Teams, Skype for Business and Office 365, this is a device that really is designed to enhance collaboration between team members. And with everything at their fingertips, teams are able to maintain their flow, interacting naturally using touch or the Surface Hub 2 pen.

There’s a space for Surface Hub 2S in every modern workplace.

Buy Surface Hub 2S

A device to keep your team collaborating and creative

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