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With the EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation coming into effect on May 25, understand how universities like yours can take the right steps towards compliance with this free eBook – and other useful resources.

Your university on a journey on a journey

Your university is on a journey with lots of ‘data subjects’. They’re students, lecturers, cleaners, government persons, and more. Every year, you welcome aboard lots of new data subjects – collecting names, addresses, dates of birth, and other important information in the process.

During an academic year, you’ll transfer pieces of their data to – for example, an insurance firm, or the authorities or an alumni organisation. In that time, people will leave. Many will stay. When the start of the next academic year arrives, new people will join. The journey starts over.

Towards GDPR compliance

The new GDPR creates a uniform European legal framework in which European data subjects connected to your university have several rights they can exercise as of May 25th. Are you aware of them?

Download the GDPR Guide for Education Institutions eBook for free today. You’ll discover guidelines to best protect personal data, maintain accountability for your processes, and support your GDPR compliancy.

Free eBook: Guide to the GDPR for educational institutions

A kick-start guide for educational institutions

Free whitepaper: Accelerate your GDPR compliance journey

Embrace the GDPR with the most complete, secure, and intelligent solution for digital work

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  • NorthWest Clinics building
    Northwest Clinics: A new era in virtual healthcare

    “I am generally quite modest – I don’t like to brag about my achievements too much. But in this case, I want to make an exception. I want to tell the world what we have done.” For Ed de Myttenaere, CIO at Northwest Clinics hospital (Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep) in the Netherlands, breaking with tradition is becoming increasingly normal. In responding to the COVID-19 outbreak, his team have implemented a virtual consultation solution that has the potential to redefine […]

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