Predictive maintenance is improving quality of life for cancer patients

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Microsoft, Applications & Infrastructure

Read Time, 1 min.

With cancer affecting more than 17 million people annually, a figure set to rise dramatically in the coming years, efficient and cost-effective treatment is essential. Since deploying Microsoft Azure IoT, IBA Worldwide, a leading developer of medical equipment for cancer treatment, has been able to reduce the cost of maintenance and improve repair times for its devices. Its state-of-the-art proton therapy technology requires significant investment, and this groundbreaking autonomy makes treatment more affordable for hospitals and medical institutions, while avoiding downtime.

Access to data means better patient care

With faster access to data, IBA Worldwide is able to improve the uptime of its devices to avoid interruptions in a patient’s treatment, providing improved quality of life and enabling hospitals to deliver the best possible service. Previously, a failure would need to be reported, information would have to be relayed to IBA and a technician appointment would have to be booked. Now, since deploying Azure IoT it means every technician has access to data from proton therapy equipment around the world, with the ability to use cross-site analytics and predictive data models to identify when failures will occur and deliver predictive maintenance at a convenient time.

Boosting quality of life through seamless treatment

“Using Azure IoT, a patient’s cancer treatment is not interrupted. This alone can save lives. By keeping treatment consistent throughout the treatment course, we can improve the outcome and the patient’s quality of life.”

Gery Gevers, CIO of IBA Worldwide

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