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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot: Transforming your customer service team in the digital era.

Helena Fuchs

Helena Fuchs

Affärsområdeschef Dynamics och Power Platform

Lästid, 4 min.

Customer service plays a pivotal role in business growth, as it leaves a lasting impression on customers regardless of product quality. Streamlining the customer support process is essential for nurturing customer relations. The Microsoft Digital Contact Center platform stands as the solution, equipping the customer service team with the precise tools needed for effective and efficient support. In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses face extraordinary challenges in meeting customer demands while ensuring operational efficiency, security, and social responsibility. Recognizing that a one-size-fits-all approach is a thought of the past, Microsoft, with our near half-century of experience and collaborative partnerships, has forged a new path towards tailored solutions. At the forefront of this innovation is Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot, an advanced AI tool that empowers businesses across industries to revolutionize how they work.

We’re stepping into an era of advanced AI that is revolutionizing productivity and effectiveness, particularly exemplified by the remarkable steps witnessed in customer service through our own Microsoft Contact Center journey. With numerous support centers and tens of thousands of dedicated agents, Microsoft has swiftly achieved astounding results. This monumental transformation is fundamentally reshaping how customers engage with businesses while enabling our agents to deliver unparalleled service. The incredible advancements we’re cultivating are not confined to our own customer interactions; businesses like yours also have the opportunity to harness the power of the Microsoft Digital Contact Center platform powered by Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot.

”When we integrated Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot for our own customer support centers at Microsoft, with tens of thousands of customer support engineers and more than 145 million contacts per year, it led to a 31% increase in first call resolution and a 20% drop in missed routes. This marked a pivotal moment, demonstrating the genuine potential of AI in enhancing the efficiency in one of the globe’s largest support teams.”
– Musa Yildiz, Director, Business Applications – Energy Europe, Middle East and Africa


It all starts with a solid foundation

Central to our approach is a layered architecture that provides a robust foundation for businesses to harness the full potential of their workforce. The base layer incorporates critical elements such as identity, security, management, and compliance, all built on the same secure and streamlined foundation. This ensures your organization to secure and manage your operations which comply with regulatory requirements, EU data boundaries, and safeguard the integrity of your data, allowing your customer service team to focus on their primary mission – assisting customers.


Future-Proofing Your Business with Sustainable Cloud Solutions

One of the key advantages of building on Microsoft solutions is the ease with which your business can adapt and augment its capabilities. With Microsoft’s modular approach, you can add new capabilities and functions to meet your evolving needs. This ensures you remain fully future-proof without the need for extensive modifications or upgrades to the base product, avoiding prolonged implementation times and unnecessary downtime. Moreover, by embracing our Microsoft cloud solutions you will contribute to sustainability efforts by lowering your CO2 footprint and supporting Microsoft’s zero carbon emissions and waste promise by 2030, making it a forward-thinking choice for your company looking to not only secure your future but also contribute to a greener planet.


Empowering Customer Service Agents with Copilot

A pivotal aspect of Microsoft Dynamics365 Customer Service Copilot within your customer service organization is its ability to support agents of all experience levels in their workflows. Findings from our own transition reveal significant improvements in efficiency and customer engagement quality.

Expedited Agent Onboarding: Copilot has proven highly effective in accelerating the onboarding process for new agents, especially those lacking extensive experience. There was a notable 12 percent reduction in average handle time for low-severity chat cases, enabling agents to resolve customer issues more swiftly.

More cases resolved faster—without peer assistance: In the most productive scenarios, Copilot enabled agents to resolve 10 percent of cases that typically require collaboration with peers. This translates to fewer customers experiencing prolonged wait times or being placed on hold.


Addressing Copyright Concerns

We are listening to and understand your concerns regarding potential copyright claims associated with the use of Copilot’s AI services and the output they generate. In response, we have made a significant commitment to assume responsibility for any legal risks that may arise. In the event of a third-party lawsuit for copyright infringement related to the use of Copilots or their output, Microsoft pledges to defend the customer and cover the costs of any adverse judgments or settlements. This assurance is provided on the condition that the customer utilizes the guardrails and content filters integrated into our products.



With Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot at its core, businesses can embark on a transformative journey toward enhanced customer engagement, streamlined operations, and heightened security. Through strategic partnerships and a commitment to addressing copyright concerns, Microsoft is leading the change in shaping a new standard for digital solutions. By leveraging this powerful tool, organizations can not only adapt to the demands of the present but also confidently embrace the challenges of the future.

We have forged vital partnerships with transition partners such as Accenture and Avanade that recently received the “Transformational Partner of the Year” award Together, we will continue to successfully implement solutions that enhance customer experiences, with a particular focus on the Microsoft Digital Contact Centre Platform.

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