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Microsoft Education is proud to announce to be a member of the DutchEdTech community

Dagmar Lens

Dagmar Lens

Education and Research Lead Microsoft Nederland.

Leestijd, 1 min.

Microsoft Netherlands Education is pleased to announce the establishment of a partnership with DutchEdTech to support the Dutch EdTech ecosystem. Our shared mission is to accelerate learning and support innovation in Dutch education.

Microsoft Education is working with schools, education leaders, educators, and students around the world to explore the power of AI in education. AI has already been used to boost inclusivity and productivity, and recent advancements offer the opportunity to reimagine solutions to longstanding challenges in education. As a result of this partnership, Dutch EdTech companies now have access to the startup program to develop new solutions that can improve education by adopting new technologies like AI in their products via Microsoft for Startups | Microsoft.

Microsoft Education is looking forward to a fruitful collaboration with the DutchEdTech ecosystem by facilitating workshops and go to market expertise on how edtech companies can scale outside the Netherlands via our worldwide education ecosystem.

If you are a Dutch EdTech entrepreneur and you want to make use of our cloud technology and edtech ecosystem, signup for our Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub to start your development!

Microsoft Education Blog

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