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Do you know Microsoft’s secret to sales success? Collaboration. It’s at the heart of its culture and solutions. Today, companies investing in teamwork are five times more likely to be high-performing, so collaboration could be the difference between profit and loss. When compared to five years ago, an average information worker spends 50% more time collaborating, reflecting the modern need for a shared digital environment amongst sales teams. Microsoft Teams offers just that.

Creating a shared digital environment

Microsoft Teams,  the hub for teamwork in Microsoft 365, business process data from CRM systems together in one collaboration hub, thanks to integrated Dynamics 365 support. In one app, sales teams can work together across documents; access, update and share information within CRM and ERP systems, track opportunities and, in turn, drive customer satisfaction, together.

Microsoft is a dynamic organisation that needs to be agile. With sellers working with an average of 16 colleagues in a business-to-business (B2B) sales cycle, easy collaboration within and across teams has never been more important.

A time-saving sales solution

By integrating Microsoft Dynamics 365 within Teams, a collaboration hub is created in which sellers and colleagues can come together. Information from Dynamics 365 such as info on opportunities, customer information, supporting sales documents, PowerBI dashboards and website data and analytics can now be accessed within Microsoft Teams, reducing the need to switch between windows or apps, and saving time.

This integration also means business process data, which is typically stored in an external CRM system, is just a few clicks away , so every stakeholder can have visibility on opportunities and the sales pipeline. Customers also experience the benefits of richer solutions, proposals and presentations born out of sharing, discussion and collaborative development of ideas.

Within the Teams app, users can still experience rich communication, sharing and collaboration across smartphones and tablets—but now, they can also easily update their CRM data with the help of AI, thanks to the integrated Dynamics 365 bot.

Want to see this at work? Watch Dynamics 365 app for Microsoft Teams in action:

Dynamics 365 for Microsoft Teams integration enables users to easily work with Dynamics 365 customer information and share files directly from Microsoft Teams. This helps them to be more productive and get work done more effectively.

  • Collaboration hub: Access a shared workspace for Office apps that most of us already use to drive sales opportunities.
  • Cross-functional collaboration: Work together with customers and colleague across functions, even if they aren’t a Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement app user.
  • File integration: Co-author documents using Office 365 and automatically sync with Dynamics 365.
  • Teams mobile app: Search from Microsoft Teams mobile app using the Dynamics 365 bot while on the go.

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