How Microsoft AI technologies are revolutionizing daily work at EKZ

Jonas Huonder

Jonas Huonder

Marketing Lead CMO, Microsoft Switzerland

Lesezeit, 3 min.

How can modern technologies be meaningfully integrated into daily work to increase efficiency and improve collaboration? Marina Gonzalez, Head of New Technology, Data & AI at the Electricity Works of the Canton of Zurich (EKZ), has a clear answer. With AI tools like Microsoft 365 Copilot and GitHub Copilot, EKZ is setting new standards for productive work practices. It’s about more than just technical solutions – the transformation deeply touches the corporate culture: „The introduction of AI tools is not an end in itself for us. It’s about providing our teams with tools that enable more creative and efficient work,“ emphasizes Gonzalez.

More efficient software development thanks to GitHub Copilot

A significant milestone at EKZ was the introduction of GitHub Copilot. This tool helps the development team write code faster and more accurately. „The feedback from my team is overwhelmingly positive,“ reports Gonzalez. Especially for repetitive tasks like writing standard functions and unit tests, the great added value becomes apparent: routine tasks are accelerated, giving developers more freedom for demanding and creative projects.

The development team is currently working on a variety of exciting projects with the support of GitHub Copilot: These include the development of specialized billing systems that efficiently automate internal processes, as well as intelligent software solutions for managing electric vehicle charging infrastructure. However, Marina Gonzalez emphasizes that thorough review of the generated code remains essential – human expertise remains a crucial factor in ensuring quality and innovation.

Microsoft 365 Copilot: Rethinking collaboration

Another central project at EKZ is the company-wide introduction of Microsoft 365 Copilot. The implementation process follows a clearly structured, multi-stage approach aimed at achieving the greatest possible benefit for all employees. In an initial test phase, a small pilot group of IT experts evaluated the functionality of the AI, identified technical challenges, and placed particular emphasis on ensuring data hygiene. „Copilot can access all the data available to employees. Therefore, it is crucial to define clear access rights to avoid potential risks,“ explains Gonzalez.

Even in this early phase, the added value of AI support became apparent: Copilot facilitates meeting preparation by summarizing relevant information from emails and documents. It also helps revise documents and efficiently summarize extensive content. The quick availability of important information also promotes teamwork and improves coordination. These initial experiences underscore how sustainably Microsoft 365 Copilot will change daily work at EKZ.

Gradual introduction: Microsoft 365 Copilot for all employees

The next step is to expand the test to a representative user group that includes employees from various departments and roles. This is to consider different work styles and requirements within the company. „A pilot project only delivers meaningful results if it reflects the diversity of roles and tasks within the company,“ explains Gonzalez.

Based on the results from the pilot phases, Microsoft 365 Copilot will then be gradually made available to all employees. Accompanying change management measures and targeted training will ensure that the technology is seamlessly integrated into daily work. Gonzalez is convinced: „Microsoft 365 Copilot will revolutionize daily work – but success depends on how consistently and thoughtfully we integrate the technology into our processes“.

Shaping the future: AI technologies as an indispensable part of daily work

According to Gonzalez, AI technologies like Microsoft 365 Copilot will soon be indispensable. Especially agent systems that independently take on tasks offer enormous potential. For Gonzalez, it is crucial to move forward boldly: „Doing nothing is not an option. Employees are already using such tools unofficially – not officially introducing them would be the greater risk“.

EKZ aims to integrate AI solutions into daily work in the long term through modern data platforms and strategic planning. „I am convinced that these technologies will significantly shape our daily work in a few years,“ explains Gonzalez. With GitHub Copilot and Microsoft 365 Copilot, EKZ is already showing today how AI can revolutionize the working world – through higher efficiency, better collaboration, and a future-proof corporate culture.

With GitHub Copilot and Microsoft 365 Copilot, we are leveraging AI to elevate innovation and efficiency at EKZ to a new level. These tools allow us to simplify routine tasks and unleash creative potential – a true game-changer for our teams.

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