Lesezeit, 1 min.

Many companies already started their digital transformation journeys leveraging the advantage through the adoption of cloud technologies. Microsoft 365 provides a broad spectrum of services that enable the digitization of your workplace and collaboration processes, and support newly defined expected business outcomes.

Due to increasing requirements in terms of agility and scalability regarding modern workplace, the cloud is unstoppably gaining relevance. To exploit the full potential of governance and operations, targeted optimizations about processes, roles and the service delivery model are indispensable.

Join us to get an insight into the most important aspects on transforming traditional IT operations and become a modern service provider in your company. It is a key pillar to mastering the cloud.


Date and Time Topic Language Registration
24 Januar 2023

15:00 – 17:30

Modern Work Roundtable – How to evolve your Modern Workplace with Power Platform – HYBRID Deutsch Register here

Please note that we offer the event in hybrid format. We will be happy to welcome you at the Microsoft Office in the Circle at Zurich Airport or online via Teams.

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