Transforming Sustainability: Implement Consulting Group’s Data-Driven Building Operations

Cecilie Bergendorff

Cecilie Bergendorff

Partner Communication & Event Lead

Læsetid, 2 min.

Implement Consulting Group faced a critical challenge due to their significant environmental impact and inefficient building operations. To address this, they sought a sustainable solution through a partnership with Inspari. Leveraging Inspari’s expertise, they implemented Actify Smart Building and real-time data sensors, paving the way for a swift and data-driven transformation. The impressive results included substantial energy savings, a reduced CO2 footprint, and optimized meeting room bookings.

Learn more about the challenge, strategy, and results of the case below!

The challenge Implement was facing
Accounting for more than 30% of annual global energy consumption, and 27% of global CO2 emissions, smarter and more data-driven building operations held one of the greatest sustainability potentials. It was estimated that 75% of commercial buildings were energy inefficient, leading to substantial environmental consequences. Furthermore, Implement faced the issue of bad indoor climate, which was responsible for approximately 50% of sick leaves among their employees. Realizing the need to reduce their energy consumption, electricity usage, and negative environmental impact, Implement Consulting Group was presented with a significant challenge.

Inspari’s strategy to solve the challenge

To address their environmental impact and take steps towards a more sustainable future, Implement Consulting Group sought the expertise of Inspari. Inspari’s solution involved implementing Actify Smart Building and deploying sensors throughout Implement’s office building. These sensors collected real-time data, which was utilized to automate adjustments and optimize overall energy consumption.

The strategy revolved around identifying inefficiencies in energy usage, particularly during weekends when the building was empty. Armed with real-time data, Inspari worked with Implement to develop tailored solutions to address these inefficiencies and improve the building’s energy efficiency. Implement now plan to extend the implementation of Actify Smart Building to their offices worldwide, furthering their commitment to environmental and social governance (ESG) and reducing their global climate footprint.

Implement’s results
With the successful implementation of Actify Smart Building and the integration of real-time data analysis, Implement Consulting Group gained comprehensive insights into their building’s operations. The data-driven approach helped them identify and rectify energy usage inefficiencies effectively.

As a result of their collaboration with Inspari, Implement achieved substantial energy and electricity savings. Their energy consumption decreased by an impressive 29%, and electricity consumption saw a significant reduction of 28% per employee.

Moreover, during the process, Implement discovered that only 65% of meeting room bookings were for physical meetings, and the number of attendees often fell short of the room’s capacity. This insight allowed the company to make informed decisions, reducing expenses for external meeting rooms and resulting in substantial savings of nearly a million DKK.

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