Better PPM capabilities for Nordea with a custom Power Platform solution

Cecilie Bergendorff

Cecilie Bergendorff

Partner Communication & Event Lead

Læsetid, 3 min.

The world of banking operates at a rapid pace within a framework of strict regulations. Consequently, when Nordea sought a PPM solution capable of handling the complexities of their industry, they faced a challenge: finding a tool that could effectively address their reporting requirements while maintaining a positive user experience. Fortunately, their search led them to Projectum, where they discovered a valuable partner that enabled them to go the extra mile. By developing a customized PPM solution with time registration features based on the Microsoft Power Platform, Nordea received a flexible solution that empowered them to adapt and evolve continuously—without compromising the integrity of their data and reporting needs.

Learn more about the challenge, strategy, and results of the case below!

nordea case

The challenge Nordea was facing
Nordea had implemented a PPM solution for time reporting and PPM matters, which proved to be expensive due to software licensing costs and lacked user-friendliness and integration capabilities.  They were looking for a solution that could anchor Project Portfolio Management in the organization with the following goals in mind:

  • Reduce time spent on monthly PPM processes
  • Increase user-friendliness
  • Be able to have better integrations to other tools (with a modern cloud solution based on Microsoft 365)
  • Fulfill the needs of the users
  • Have the possibility to enhance data quality for Management decision-making
  • Reduce software license costs

Projectum’s strategy to solve the challenge

It became evident that Nordea sought a partnership to implement a modern PPM Solution. This resulted in a close collaboration between Nordea and Projectum, centered around Projectum’s products: Power PPM and Time for Teams. After conducting a thorough pre-analysis and solution scoping, Projectum recommended utilizing Power PPM, a user-friendly yet advanced product based on the Microsoft Power Platform, to manage and visualize Nordea’s portfolios and initiatives. Simultaneously, Time for Teams, built on the Microsoft Azure and Teams platforms, was chosen for time reporting and capturing actuals. The decision was made to establish a modern work management solution based on the Power Platform, emphasizing ease of configuration. In the initial phase, 6,700 time registration users and 1,500 Nordea professionals adopted the core Power PPM product.

Nordea’s results
The Power PPM and Time for Teams combined solution helps Execution Leaders govern and follow up on initiatives, performing management reporting, capturing actuals, and mitigating risks in business deliverables. The newly found data can easily be displayed in Microsoft Power BI, providing clear data transparency and Management reporting – as well as making everyday life easier with a user-friendly input system.

“Now, we can work smarter and reduce time on the manual processes – with a certain automation level – because of the ease of filling in data in the Power PPM and Time for Teams products. At the same time, we can be compliant with governance rules and banking regulations because of the built-in workflows. We have a lot of governance procedures to follow, especially around IT development. And lastly, we have experienced a better decision foundation, which is linked to the data quality” states Camilla Brahe Stenbæk, Head of Technology Transformation at Nordea CIO Office

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