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För den som vill vara attraktiv att anställa och höja sin ingångslön krävs mer än ett examensbevis. ”Skolan är ganska bred, att parallellt nörda ner i andra utbildningar är ovärderligt”, säger årets tech-tjej, Matilda Andersson, som läser sista året på LTH. Tillsammans med Reactor erbjuder Microsoft nu Sveriges studenter att utan kostnad fördjupa sina tekniska kunskaper inom områden som Cloud, AI och Machine learning.

Matilda Andersson

Matilda Andersson tar under 2022 civilingenjörsexamen i datateknik

”För mig var det precis den här typen av kurs som gjorde att jag valde att inrikta mig på AI och Machine Learning som en del av min utbildning. Kunskapen man får har man ju också nytta när man ska ut i arbetslivet, att redan ha certifieringar vid examen höjer naturligtvis attraktionskraften hos en arbetssökande”, säger Matilda. Kurserna för studenter under våren 2021, som arrangeras av Microsoft Reactor, vänder sig främst till tekniska studenter, men också icke-tekniska studenter, på Sveriges högre lärosäten.

När du blir en del av Reactor-communityn öppnas dörren till nätverket och möjligheten att utbyta idéer och lära av de över 2000 medlemmarna som utgörs av ämnesexperter, start-ups, utvecklare och andra studenter.

Den som tar tre kurser eller fler i utbudet öppnar ännu fler möjligheter kring certifieringar och ytterligare kostnadsfria fördjupningskurser i Gearup on Learn for Students, vilket ger ännu djupare kunskaper och bättre chans till en högre ingångslön efter examen.

”Jag tror att många som går andra program och utbildningar på högskola och universitet också skulle ha nytta av att gå den här typen av kurser”, menar Matilda Andersson.

”Alla behöver förstås inte vara tekniker, vi behöver olika kunskaper och synsätt. Men eftersom innovation i dag till så stor del drivs av teknik, så tror jag även att en designer eller läkare behöver förstå det grundläggande inom till exempel AI, alla behöver någon form av kunskap.”

Här är vårens kursutbud som hålls av ledande föreläsare (anmäl dig genom att klicka på kursens titel):


Datum Tid Kurstitel Innehåll
6:e maj 17.00 Automated Machine Learning on Azure What is this session about?
Automated machine learning, also referred to as automated ML or AutoML, is the process of automating the time consuming, iterative tasks of machine learning model development. It allows data scientists, analysts, and developers to build ML models with high scale, efficiency, and productivity all while sustaining model quality. Automated ML in Azure Machine Learning is based on a breakthrough from our Microsoft Research division.
Who is it aimed at?
Students who want to pursue a career in data science and machine learning
Why should I attend?
Traditional machine learning model development is resource-intensive, requiring significant domain knowledge and time to produce and compare dozens of models. With automated machine learning, you’ll accelerate the time it takes to get production-ready ML models with great ease and efficiency.
13:e maj 16:00 Serverless What is this session about? The session covers that Serverless is and what areas it can be used. Furthermore it presents different Serverless options, cost model and more.
Who is it aimed at? Anyone who have an understanding of software development and wants to know how to architect in the Cloud.
Why should I attend? To learn about how you can save money in the Cloud but also understand this new type of architecture and the possibilities it unlocks.
20:e maj 16:00 Face API & Creating Cognitive Portrait What is this session about?
We hear a lot about the cloud being used in business scenarios, but how about using cloud and AI to help us create art? In this session, I will teach you how to create original cognitive portraits of people by using Cognitive Services (Face API), Python, and some Mathematical Magic (called Affine Transformations). I will share the code, and you will be able to create portraits of yourself and your friends after the session. Hint: those portraits are a great present if printed on canvas or wall calendars!
Who is it aimed at?
Everybody who wants to play with Azure services for Facial Analysis in a funny and enjoyable way! Make sure to have a bunch of portrait photographs ready to experiment with!
Why should I attend?
You would be able to become a digital artist in one hour!
27:e maj 16:00 How Cloud can help fighting COVID-19: using Text Analytics and CosmosDB to extract knowledge from corpus of COVID papers What is this session about?
Since COVID pandemic started last year, there were more than 400k scientific papers published on the subject. All those papers are available as CORD dataset. We will see how we can use Azure services to make some insights from this dataset, such as most frequently used medicines, their combinations, or changes in strategy of treatment with time. We will use Text Analytics for Health to extract entities and their relations from paper abstracts, store them in Azure Cosmos DB, post-process using Jupyter with SQL queries, and build interactive dashboards with PowerBI.
Who is it aimed at?
Everybody who wants to understand what is the cloud, learn about how to architect and build large data analysis systems, and learn about how technology can help scientific studies.
Why should I attend?
In one session we will review multiple Azure services, and see how they all work together to achieve an important result.
3:e juni 16:00 Connect Everything to the Cloud with IoT What is this session about?
Everything can be connected to the cloud these days, thanks to the power of the Internet of Things!
This session covers what the Internet of Things actually is, looking at the thing side as well as the internet side. It covers how you too can get started building your own connected things with some relatively low priced developer kits, with plenty of fun demos. It will also cover why you shouldn’t connect everything to the internet, and what bad things can happen if you do.
Who is it aimed at?
Anyone who wants to learn about the Internet of Things, including how to get started.
Why should I attend?
To learn about how to build your first IoT device, or to learn what you need to think about to make your 100th device successful. You’ll also see some fun demos!
10:e juni 16:00 JavaScript (Build a Green Browser Extension) What is this session about?
Let’s work together in a code-a-long session to build a Green Browser Extension. Follow the ’bouncing leaf’ in the code and we’ll have a browser extension built in no time. This extension will call the C02Signal API to check the carbon intensity of your part of the world. You can install it in Edge, Chrome, and Firefox, and always have a datapoint at your fingertips to check whether your region is experiencing intense carbon usage. Use this extension to make informed decisions on when to consume electricity.
Who is it aimed at?
Students who enjoy building for the web or who want to learn more about this activity, or those with an environmental focus
Why should I attend?
If you are curious about building a browser extension but never had time to try, let’s work together to build one and use it right away for good!
17:e juni 16:00 What if AI was your daughter? What is this session about?
AI is the new buzzword, everybody is talking about it and how it will change and influence our lives. When we talk about AI we talk about machines learning from data, exactly like a child is learning from his/her family or the experiences he/she makes. Humans though, while they grow up, can develop biases. Could this happen to an AI too?
Starting from a real story, what would happen if a machine learning algorithm learns from a toys catalog?
Who is it aimed at?
Everybody who is curious or interested in spending some time to reflect on AI & biases.
Why should I attend?
Because it’s going to be fun ?
Speaker bio & photo
I work as a Cloud Solution Architect specialized on AI & Machine Learning at Microsoft since four years. I help Microsoft partners developing innovative and AI infused software and solution on Azure. My background is in computer science, but I also specialized in cognitive neuroscience.
I love to talk about tech, AI, gaming, brain and how we can make the tech world a much more inclusive and diverse place.
24:e juni 16:00 AI & Accessibility Microsoft has infused AI into Office 365 applications to support accessibility. Whether it’s Speech and Language AI providing live subtitles in PowerPoint, or Vision AI generating alt text for images, everyone can benefit from accessible features. Now any developer can build AI for accessibility into their own apps using Azure Cognitive Services. In this hands-on live-coding demo, we will design, develop, debug, and deploy an app on Azure to demonstrate the power of AI for Accessibility.





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Läs om trender inom cybersäkerhet i Europa och om lösningar som skyddar mot hot

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