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A message from the General Manager, Andrés Ortolá

Microsoft Portugal

Microsoft Portugal

Microsoft Portugal

Tempo de leitura, 1 min.

For the last 47 years, Microsoft has worked with more than 400,000 organizations to deliver innovative products and services to Customers around the world. These organizations provide unique solutions across numerous industries, helping countless customers succeed in a reality punctuated by volatility.

In Portugal alone, we have an inspiring ecosystem, of over 3.600 Partners. An increasingly robust network and an effervescent community, aligned in the purpose of building a growingly dynamic and more digital prone Portuguese nation.

Partners have a pivotal role within Microsoft. Their commitment and our joint efforts are a force to be recon with in shaping the economic landscape in Portugal. 

Microsoft continues to be as committed as it was on day 1 to investing in and delivering what Partners need to innovate, grow their businesses, and support on the promise of digital transformation to Customers across organizations and industries. Together, we’ll continue enabling organizations for success, focusing on strengthening digital capability, deepening technical capabilities, and streamlining engagement among each other’s.

To reinforce our commitment and recognize those who are taking this next step towards the evolution of our ecosystem — putting Customer value at the center of our continued Partner investment – we’ll deliver 16 Partner Awards for 2022. These Awards are proof of our Partner’s effort and impact in Portugal’s digital transformation journey. Customers represent our driving force, empowering the growth and development of the Country. Portugal can count on them, and they can count on Microsoft with support in this endeavor.

A massive thank you to all Partners who embrace our mission to empower every person and organization on the planet to achieve more. Because Partners make more possible.

Andrés Ortolá


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