Overslaan naar hoofdinhoud
Ramazan in his home office
Leestijd, 1 min.

The recent influx of refugees has brought a lot of new talent to the Netherlands. For many of the group that hold a residence permit, it remains difficult to find the right opportunities and become part of working society.

Work brings fulfillment and gives meaning to life. Furthermore, there are currently more vacancies than job seekers. Nevertheless, permit holders, people with disabilities or people who lack the required skills can’t easily access the labor market. With the right opportunities, they get a chance to participate. This doesn’t only benefit themselves, but companies as well.

Due to the high demand for IT staff, many organizations face a considerable challenge to fill their vacancies. To solve this mismatch in the labor market, we need to train as many people as possible for IT roles. With IT training programs like the Azure Academy, Microsoft aims to contribute to solving the shortage of IT-skilled candidates and to help people with a refugee background to build a new career in The Netherlands.

Do you want to know more about how skills & diversity can lead to more economic inclusion as a key? Then go to our overview page on this subject (Dutch only).

Are you interested in the Azure Academy as part of a new employer? Then you will find more information here.

Would you like a job in IT and be guided? View the possibilities of the Azure Academy here.

Watch the video to see how the Azure Academy changed former refugee Ramazan’s life



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