The AI Innovation Center

Powering the AI transformation in Norway with the new AI Innovation Center 

Jon Jahren

Jon Jahren

Azure Data & AI Lead

Lesetid, 3 min.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the way we work, live, and learn. It is also creating new opportunities for innovation, growth, and social impact. 

Already, The Microsoft Cloud is enabling AI transformation in Norway, making it one of the leading countries in Europe in the adoption and use of AI. 

To further build on this, Microsoft Norway is proud to launch our new AI Innovation Center, in close collaboration with our top AI partners. 

The AI Innovation Center  

With the AI Innovation Center, we aim to enable Norwegian organizations to innovate with purpose and drive real business outcomes powered by Microsoft’s best practices with responsible and ethical use of AI in Norway. 

Here, our customers will get access to a range of resources, experience and expertise to introduce AI into their organizations in a responsible and efficient way. This includes frameworks, strategic advice, technical support and skills development.  

The AI Innovation Center is Microsoft’s umbrella program designed to identify and promote innovation opportunities with AI and enhance its adoption, return, and responsible use through a specialized network of partners. 

The program is designed to maximize ROI for our customers by accelerating the process of use case scoping and implementation based on best practices from Microsoft and the partners – tailored for your needs.   

Partners included in the AI Innovation Center at launch are Accenture, Avanade, Capgemini, Cognizant, Crayon, EY, Inmeta, KPMG, Nordcloud, Orange, PWC, Sopra Steria, TCS and Twoday. 

The AI Innovation Center approach

AI responsibility with Microsoft  

AI is a powerful force that can transform the world for the better – If used wisely and responsibly. As AI becomes more pervasive and powerful, it also raises new challenges and questions about its impact on society, ethics, and human rights.  

Microsoft is therefore committed to develop and deploy AI in a responsible and trustworthy manner, following six principles: fairness, reliability and safety, privacy and security, inclusiveness, transparency, and accountability.  

Besides providing a range of responsible AI services and tools, Microsoft is also collaborating with various stakeholders to ensure that AI is used in a way that respects human values, rights, and dignity.  

By participating in the AI Innovation Center program, our customers will learn how the Microsoft Cloud can help them innovate, grow, and make a positive impact – further enabling the AI transformation in Norway. 

The AI transformation with Microsoft Cloud  

Microsoft Cloud is a comprehensive platform that offers a range of AI services and tools to help organizations and individuals harness the power of AI. 

Whether it is to create, deploy, or manage AI solutions, Microsoft Cloud provides the flexibility, scalability, and security that are needed to succeed in the AI era. Some of the key components of Microsoft Cloud are:  

  • Azure AI: a set of cloud-based services that enable developers and data scientists to build, train, and deploy AI models and applications across different scenarios and domains. 
  • Copilot for Microsoft 365: a productivity assistant that leverages AI to help users create, edit, and improve documents, presentations, emails, and chats. 
  • Power Platform: a low-code platform that empowers users to create and automate workflows, analyze data, and build chatbots and apps with AI capabilities.  
  • Dynamics 365: a suite of cloud-based business applications that use AI to optimize operations, sales, customer service, marketing, and human resources.  
  • Microsoft 365: a cloud-based productivity suite that integrates AI features into Office, Teams, Outlook, and other apps to enhance collaboration, communication, and creativity.  

When might AI Innovation Center be valuable for your company? 

  • You would like to explore the possibilities of AI​ 
  • You would like to get inspiration from use cases in your industry​ 
  • You have identified potential AI use cases you would like to explore ​ 

Interested? Join the AI Innovation Center launch event – or reach out to your preferred partner or your Microsoft account team! 

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