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It doesn’t matter if you’re a Fortune 500 company or a local bakery – today, cyberattacks threaten organisations of every size in every sector. And they can be costly to recover from. Attacks often damage brand reputation and cause significant disruption to productivity, which is why it’s so important to protect against cybercriminals.

But in a digital landscape that’s evolving every day, cyberattacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and staying up-to-date on potential threats is a constant challenge. So, what’s the solution?

The best defence? Assume the worst

With much of the modern workforce being mobile, taking a multi-faceted security approach that transcends traditional security perimeters is the new standard for modern companies – large organisations have an average of 75 security solutions. But it’s not the number of measures that matters. It’s their focus.

Preventive measures alone are no longer sufficient. What’s needed is real-time protection of all endpoints, as well as the adoption of an ‘assume breach’ posture that includes early detection mechanisms and automated protection features like those employed by the University of Southern Denmark. Then you can respond before the real damage happens.

Think attack management, rather than attack prevention.

What’s your security posture score?

A security posture is an organisation’s approach to all aspects of security. A strong security posture not only highlights how you protect company assets, it also determines how you detect new threats and respond if the worst does happen.

With Microsoft Secure Score, you can gauge exactly how robust your existing security posture is, and where it can be improved. Secure Score gives you a score based on your existing security solutions, and its centralised dashboard recommends ways to improve security across user accounts, device management, email and document protection, infrastructure, and shadow IT.

By being able to compare your score with other companies, Secure Score gives you industry perspective on your security posture, allowing you to develop a cybersecurity strategy that fully embraces the modern way of work and aligns with the latest Microsoft Security Intelligence Report.

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