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Why leadership must join forces with CSOs in the fight for security

Johanna Winqvist

Johanna Winqvist

Microsoft, Modern Workplace

Read Time, 1 min.

In a world where data breaches are commonplace and costly for businesses of all sizes, a cohesive relationship between leadership and Chief Security Officers (CSOs) has never been more important.

Collaborating to improve security and help your business succeed

In May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will take effect, and will enforce stricter controls on data protection and security for all businesses, but how can you ensure your organisation is protected and able to flourish once the regulation comes into play?

To begin with, it’s imperative that leadership teams are asking the right questions of their CSOs to improve their organisation’s overall security, but it’s sometimes difficult to know what they are.

That’s why we’ve produced a digestible eBook that enables executives to ensure they’re working effectively with security teams to help minimise the risk of data breaches.

It covers:

1. How often do you see non-sanctioned cloud services in use?
2. Are we protecting ourselves against insider threats?
3. Do we have a cyber-security task force in place?
4. Is our BYOD policy secure?
5. Do you feel limited by your security budget or staff size?

5 Questions Executives Should Be Asking Their Security Teams’ gives you the insight you need to create a cyber-security checklist for your business and can help minimise the risk of damage from data breaches.

Free eBook: Five questions executives should be asking their security teams

See what questions you need to ask about your organisation’s security measures

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