Sarah Devitt

Sarah Devitt

Microsoft, Digital Transformation and Public Sector

Digital marketer who is passionate about the positive and transformative power of technology.


One nurse is holding a Surface Go 3 and Surface Pen while sharing the screen with another nurse.
Caring for nurses: How technology can support the frontline of healthcare

Nurses make up around 70% of the healthcare workforce, providing the vast majority of direct care to patients in the health service. But despite playing such a major role, the job of nursing is becoming more and more challenging and the churn rate is increasing. Demographics show that the population is aging across Europe, with […]

Sarah Devitt

Sarah Devitt

Microsoft, Digital Transformation and Public Sector

Two female healthcare professionals looking at a tablet
Virtual Care webinar

A discussion of the Virtual Care solutions made possible by Microsoft Teams – brought to life by a case study in Italy.

Sarah Devitt

Sarah Devitt

Microsoft, Digital Transformation and Public Sector

en kvinna som sitter vid en trottoar
The digital transformation of citizen services

Discover how governments are using cloud-based tools and experiences to reimagine how people, data and processes can come together to create value.

Sarah Devitt

Sarah Devitt

Microsoft, Digital Transformation and Public Sector

A man sitting at a table using a laptop
Four common challenges governments face in a time of crisis

This blog focuses on best practice and solutions for working from home, engaging with citizens, gaining situational awareness and staying secure.

Sarah Devitt

Sarah Devitt

Microsoft, Digital Transformation and Public Sector

a person sitting at a desk in front of a laptop computer
Empowering government employees through digital skills

Why governments must lead by example and not delay in ensuring that their people gain the skills needed to succeed in the modern workplace.

Sarah Devitt

Sarah Devitt

Microsoft, Digital Transformation and Public Sector

Two people working together
Making Every Day Better with Microsoft Teams

Finland’s second-largest public sector employer, HUS Helsinki University Hospital, deployed Microsoft Teams extensively in its organization of 27,000 employees. Microsoft Teams provides HUS with a foundation for customer-oriented digital transformation, which acts as a part of its vision to be a trendsetter in healthcare. The deployed Microsoft services offer an easy-to-use solution for remote appointments […]

Sarah Devitt

Sarah Devitt

Microsoft, Digital Transformation and Public Sector

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