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Microsoft Security Workshops

Expand your security expertise in webinar and hands-on workshops to be prepared and better defend against today’s increasingly complex and sophisticated attacks. Whether you’re a chief information security officer or an on-the-ground IT pro, our security learning experiences will add critical capabilities to your skill set—strategic and tactical.   

In these free virtual Microsoft Security Immersion Workshops you will get hands-on experience working with Microsoft threat protection solutions in virtual labs so you and your organization can learn how to detect threats or help secure hybrid clouds.

These workshops take place in cooperation with our partners, are free of charge and are designed for Microsoft end customers. If you are an IT provider, we would be happy to inform you about our partner training offerings.


Upcoming Sessions:

Workshop Date / Time Language Partner Registration
Managing Shadow IT 30.08.2023

11:00 – 12:00

english Swiss IT Security AG register here
Managing Shadow IT 27.09.2023

11:00 – 12:00

german Swiss IT Security AG register here
Into the Breach 31.10.2023

14:00 – 18:00

english baseVISION AG register here


Microsoft Security Discover Workshops

These webinars provide participants with valuable insights of how to protect data without compromising an open-flow of information. Discover how Microsoft’s Security solutions can take the stress out of staying secure in the new world of mobile and hybrid working. Get insights into the Shadow IT Discovery Lifecycle, evaluate the use of cloud resources and learn to analyze and asses them risk-based as well as to continuously monitoring them.


Microsoft Immersion Workshop: Into the Breach

The Into the Breach Immersion Workshop provides you with a comprehensive overview and hands-on experience of the Microsoft Threat Protection solution. Join this full day workshop and learn in a fun, gamified way how to increase efficiency and effectiveness to keep your company secure against sophisticated attacks.


Kostenloses Webinar: Die wichtigsten Cybersicherheitstrends in Europa

Erfahren Sie mehr über Cybersicherheitstrends in Europa und Lösungen, um sich davor zu schützen

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Öffentliche Verwaltung

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Digital Transformation

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    Wir leben in einem Zeitalter, das von aussergewöhnlicher kultureller und technologischer Veränderung geprägt ist. Da neue Generationen auf den Arbeitsmarkt drängen, verändert sich die Arbeitskultur, und neue Ideen und Arbeitsweisen halten Einzug. Technologie verändert die Erwartungen an den Arbeitsplatz. Der klassische „Nine to five“-Arbeitstag im Büro gehört zunehmend der Vergangenheit an, da uns Technologien für […]


Sicherheit & Datenschutz
