Lesezeit, 2 min.

Azure Immersion Workshops are exclusive, hands-on sessions designed to introduce and familiarize you with Microsoft Azure technologies and innovations. Based on your organization’s needs, you’ll dive into different topics around analytics, data modernization, Artificial Intelligence, infrastructure modernization, cloud-native apps and Azure Virtual Desktop. Through a mix of learning and hands-on experiences, these cutting-edge workshops are designed to help you take purposeful steps to achieve your vision of greater agility as you adapt to ever-changing business needs.

Why attend?

› Learn and get confidence with cloud applications.

› Develop essential skills to take advantage of Azure services.

› Modernize your organization’s capabilities for today’s changing work environment.


Upcoming Workshops: 

stay tuned – new workshop dates will be published soon!

Workshop Date Time Language Partner Registration page
Database Modernization          
Infrastructure Migration          
SAP on Microsoft Cloud          

Find more information by clicking on the Workshop titel.


Target audience: Architects, IT Pros, Developers, DBAs
Three key topics to be covered at the event:
› Gain a high-level overview of analytic techniques for optimizing with Azure SQL Data Warehouse and the Azure Synapse studio.
› Learn how to use Microsoft Power BI and Azure in conjunction with one another.
› Experience a hands-on lab with the Azure Synapse studio.

Database Modernization

Target audience: IT pros (TDMs, IT implementers, IT administrators), developers, DBAs, and architects
Three key topics to be covered at the event:
› Learn how to migrate apps and databases to Azure.
› Gain knowledge to apply associated technology stacks to your organization’s data.
› Experience an immersive hands-on lab with Azure SQL Managed Instance.



Infrastructure Migration

Target audience: Architects, IT Administrators and Developers
Three key topics to be covered at the event:
› Learn how to confidently migrate on-premises infrastructures to Azure.
› Go beyond technical aspects with additional guidance on cloud adoption frameworks.
› Participate in two hands-on labs focused on Windows, SQL, and Linux migration.



Sap on Microsoft Cloud

Sap on Microsoft Cloud

Target Audience: BDM, TDM
Three Key topics to be covered at the event:
› Learn how to gather and analyze data across the organization within and outside of the SAP systems, to gain real-time insights.
› Lay a strong foundation and start benefiting from modernizing SAP on the Microsoft Cloud.
› Showcases the transformative potential of cloud services what differentiates Microsoft as the preferred cloud platform for SAP workloads.







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