Microsoft Startups for Sustainability
Lesezeit, 1 min.

Running an innovative startup is more than just founding a business. We have asked three successful Swiss startups how they do it. What does it need to unlock innovation as a superpower? In the video below learn more about ARC, Correntics, and Cortexia.


Fidel Esquivel, ARC


Fidel Esquivel, Co-Founder
Autonomous River Cleanup (ARC) 

Fidel Esquivel is the co-founder of ARC and the current product lead. He is passionate about robotics and the role of technology for sustainable development and the environment.




Learn more about ARC

Gaudenz Halter, Correntics


Gaudenz Halter, CTO

He has a MSc degree in data science and is currently PhD Candidate at the University of Zurich in scientific data visualization, where he previously worked as a Software Developer.




Learn more about Correntics

Johanna Melly, Cotexia Johanna Melly, Software Engineer

Johanna is a software engineer who has been working at Cortexia for two and a half years. It is important to her to be able to wake up in the morning knowing that her job serves a cause that could make our world a little bit better.




Learn more about Cortexia



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