Microsoft Teams and CoPilot: Revolutionizing the Future of Work

Kit Ingwersen

Kit Ingwersen

Go-To-Market Lead - Modern Work

Læsetid, 7 min.

The way we work has undergone a significant transformation, especially since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The recent Microsoft workshop, Enrich the Information Worker & Frontline Worker, shed light on how Microsoft Teams, along with the revolutionary M365 CoPilot, is poised to reshape the everyday work experiences of both information workers and frontline employees.

On September 15th, 2023, Microsoft Denmark hosted a workshop at the Copenhagen headquarters in Kgs Lyngby, to introduce how organizations can successfully use Microsoft technology and products to make their employees’ workday more efficient, effective, and mindful. Speakers at the workshop included Peter Lippert, Technical Specialist at Microsoft, Rita Szabo, Technical Specialist at Microsoft, and Norbert Baricz, Head of APS & Digital TMO at Arla Foods.

Several major Danish companies joined the expert session and listened to insights shared by the experts into the changing landscape of work.

A Shift in the Way We Work

Kit Ingwersen, Modern Work Business Group Lead at Microsoft Denmark, kicked off the workshop by highlighting the post-pandemic shift in work dynamics.

Post-Covid, people have changed the way they work, how they work, and from where they work –. There is more focus on flexible working hours and methods, Kit explained.

Remote work, flexible hours, and new methods of collaboration have become the norm. Kit shared a compelling statistic: In 2020, only 12% of organizations worldwide had a hybrid workforce, but by 2026, that number is expected to rise to 42%.

The workshop emphasized the pivotal role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in making work more flexible and efficient. This is crucial, considering the results of a recent Microsoft survey, where 64% of respondents reported lacking the time and energy for their jobs, with 57% of their time consumed by communication.

M365 CoPilot: Simplifying the Work Experience

One of the highlights of the workshop was the introduction of M365 CoPilot, a game-changer that promises to make work life easier when launched. Kit Ingwersen emphasized the need to rethink the meeting culture, as 87% of employees believe they are more productive than ever, but only 12% of their managers agree. M365 CoPilot is poised to bridge this gap by streamlining meetings and work processes.

Meetings are much more prevalent today than they used to be. They form the basis for collaborating while working remotely, Peter Lippert noted.

Peter Lippert delved into the future of an information worker’s day, emphasizing the central role of Microsoft Teams. With Teams, employees can seamlessly connect and collaborate from anywhere – be it the office, home, or even while traveling. The platform offers a comprehensive suite of tools, including file sharing, chat, calendars, calls, and more.

A Glimpse into the Information Worker’s Day

Peter Lippert presented what a day in the life of an information worker might look like in the near future, demonstrating how technology like Outlook Mobile, Microsoft Teams, PowerPoint, and M365 CoPilot can transform the workday. From efficient meeting management to AI-powered document creation, these tools enable workers to be productive in diverse settings.

“The information worker is called Laura, and her day starts with her checking the Outlook Mobile calendar, where M365 CoPilot provides a quick agenda summary, ensuring she’s always well-prepared,” Peter explained and continued. “Her first meeting is at 08.30 – but because of unforeseen circumstances, she’s a bit late to the online meeting. But M365 CoPilot saves her by creating a summary of what she’s missed in the meeting – it can do that because the meetings are transcribed. It also suggests follow-up questions based on the summary.”

Throughout the day, Microsoft Teams becomes Laura’s work hub, allowing her to connect from anywhere – be it the airport, train, office, or home. Microsoft Teams offers chat, file sharing, calendars, and calls, but M365 CoPilot stands out by transcribing meetings, creating summaries, and suggesting follow-up questions, elevating meeting efficiency.

Later, M365 CoPilot helps Laura effortlessly convert her work on a new strategy, written in Microsoft Word, into a PowerPoint presentation.

She asks the AI tool to make a PowerPoint presentation based on the Word file – which it does in a very short time. She can use this as a ground layer which she can continue working on. Since Office 365 is cloud-based, it gives Laura the possibility to streamline collaboration with her colleagues on the presentation in Microsoft Teams, Peter added.

At the end of the day, Laura has a 1:1 with her manager, Olga where they discuss the PowerPoint presentation. They connect directly in Teams and turn on video so they can see one another. It feels like a face-to-face meeting, even when working remotely. Laura shares the screen of the presentation and after that the task list to make sure everything is up to date and so they catch up on what happened that day. Just before closing the PC, Laura posts a picture of her last vacation on their internal Teams ‘fun-channel’.


Empowering Frontline Workers with M365 CoPilot

Rita Szabo followed this great example by Peter by shedding light on how Microsoft technology, particularly M365 CoPilot, also can empower frontline workers across various industries, from warehousing to healthcare and retail. Frontline workers represent a substantial portion of the workforce – a 3:1 ratio to information workers – and Microsoft is committed to enhancing their productivity.

Rita shared an example of a warehouse worker, Joseph, showcasing how Microsoft Teams, Shifts, Tasks, and M365 CoPilot for Word and Excel can streamline tasks, improve communication, and ensure efficient workdays. In an era where agility and connectivity are paramount, these tools empower frontline workers to excel in their roles.

In an era where agility and connectivity are paramount, these tools empower frontline workers to excel in their roles, Rita stated.

Joseph begins his day by opening Microsoft Shifts, allowing him to see his colleagues’ work schedules and what they are working on. In Shifts, he digitally clocks in for his upcoming shift and reviews Microsoft Tasks to check due dates and priority levels. While he waits for his daily check-in meetings with his team via Microsoft Teams, he does a quick mindfulness exercise via the Headspace integration in Microsoft Viva Insights – a tool that concentrates on the well-being of the employees.

“During Joseph’s workday, M365 CoPilot is an integrated part of his work. When he begins packing goods and discovers some missing items, he updates an Excel file, which is shared with the rest of his team – but before sharing it, he uses M365 CoPilot in Excel as a personal assistant to give recommendations on how to make the table of missing goods better,” explains Rita.

Effective communication is crucial in Joseph’s warehouse, and Microsoft Teams with the Walkie-Talkie feature keeps him connected with his team.

At the end of the day, Joseph again uses M365 CoPilot to simplify reporting tasks. When creating his daily report for his manager in Word, he uses the AI tool to help him describe problems encountered during the day, Rita added.

As Joseph’s day unfolds, M365 CoPilot in Word and Microsoft Teams provides flexibility. Shifts can be adjusted, and if needed, they can be swapped with colleagues, too. Even employee training can be managed through Viva Learning, where they can access a variety of content sources and acquire certifications. This way real-time communication and collaboration remain seamless.

In summary, M365 CoPilot is a game-changer for both information workers like Laura and frontline workers like Joseph, or others who work in the frontline as factory workers, hospital nurses and doctors, retail store workers, etc. It streamlines meetings, enhances collaboration, and offers AI-driven assistance, revolutionizing how workers navigate their daily tasks efficiently.

Arla Foods: A Case Study in Effective Workday Transformation

Norbert Baricz ended the workshop by giving insights into how Arla Foods, one of the world’s largest dairy companies, has leveraged Microsoft products to enhance the workday experience for its employees. The company’s success story demonstrates how Microsoft’s solutions can positively impact organizations of all sizes.

In conclusion, the Microsoft workshop illuminated a promising future of work, where Microsoft Teams and M365 CoPilot play pivotal roles in increasing productivity, streamlining processes, and adapting to the evolving work landscape. As the workplace continues to evolve, embracing these innovative tools will be key to staying ahead in the ever-changing world of work.

Stay tuned for the launch of M365 CoPilot, which promises to redefine how we work and collaborate, making our work lives easier and more efficient.

If you would like to join a similar workshop with our expert team, you can get a full overview of future events here.

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