EWII Revolutionizes Customer Engagement and Energy Consumption with Innovative Solutions

Cecilie Bergendorff

Cecilie Bergendorff

Partner Communication & Event Lead

Læsetid, 2 min.

EWII, one of Denmark’s leading utility Companies, embarked on a mission to become the most customer-centric and innovative supply supermarket. With a focus on personalized experiences, EWII, in collaboration with Immeo, transformed how customers interacted with their energy consumption. By leveraging data, they provided tailored solutions to optimize electricity, water, heat, and internet usage. Through a cohesive digital ecosystem, EWII aimed to create an engaging platform that encouraged customers to manage their consumption effectively. This digital transformation also established a future-proof IT architecture for faster innovation, allowing EWII to deliver new digital solutions directly to customers. With this technology, EWII redefined customer engagement.

Learn more about the challenge, strategy, and results of the case below!

The challenge EWII was facing
EWII, an energy company catering to over 200,000 customers, aimed to create a cohesive and robust digital user and customer experience as part of their commitment to contribute to the development of a 100% carbon-neutral energy system. However, they encountered obstacles in the form of outdated on-premises systems that lacked the ability to function effectively in a modern digital landscape. Additionally, their data was trapped in isolated silos. To overcome these challenges and establish themselves as pioneers in the digitalization of energy and sustainability, EWII sought to integrate their systems into a new composable cloud-based architecture.

Immeo’s strategy to solve the challenge
Immeo devised a strategy to assist EWII in their transition towards a modern digital environment by seamlessly integrating their on-premises systems into a cloud-based architecture. This was accomplished by implementing an integration platform based on a cloud-based microservice architecture. By doing so, Immeo enabled EWII to leverage modern digital interfaces and liberate their data, empowering them to capitalize on the latest advancements in digital technology and maintain their position at the forefront of sustainability initiatives.

EWII’s results
With the adoption of the new digital architecture, EWII can now provide personalized content and recommendations to customers, enabling them to optimize and manage their consumption of electricity, water, heat, and internet. The composable architecture implemented by Immeo also allows EWII to swiftly and easily implement new digital solutions as they emerge, further enhancing efficiency and reducing long-term costs. As a result of their partnership with Immeo, EWII experienced tangible benefits such as increased operational efficiency and digital agility, paving the way to achieve their strategic goals.

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