Delegate has created a series of portraits of female employees who acts as role models for other women considering working in the IT industry

Cecilie Bergendorff

Cecilie Bergendorff

Partner Communication & Event Lead

Læsetid, 2 min.

The IT industry has come a long way, but the gender gap still persists, with women being significantly underrepresented in IT companies and STEM education. Delegate has recognized this challenge, as only 19 percent of their delivery department comprised women. To bridge this gap and inspire more women to join the IT industry, Delegate has created a series of portraits of female employees who act as role models for other women considering working in the IT industry.

Learn more about the challenge, strategy, and results of the case below!

Women in IT

The challenge Delegate was facing
Gender disparity remains a significant challenge in the Danish IT industry and STEM education. With a growing demand for skilled IT professionals, it becomes essential to encourage and support more women to pursue careers in this sector. Delegate recognized the importance of narrowing the gender gap as IT plays a crucial role in developing our democratic society. However, the current representation of IT employees does not reflect the diversity of the society, making it vital to unlock the full potential of the IT industry by addressing this disparity

Delegate’s strategy to solve the challenge
Delegate’s approach to addressing this challenge is commendable and well-thought-out. The strategy revolves around breaking stereotypes and biases that deter women from considering IT as a viable career option. The key aspects of their approach include:

  • Highlighting Diverse Paths: Demonstrating that there are numerous entry points into the IT industry, accommodating individuals from various backgrounds and experiences.
  • Celebrating Inclusive Skill Sets: Emphasizing the need for diverse skills in the IT sector, proving that success is not limited to a specific set of expertise.
  • Promoting Work-Life Balance: Illustrating how the title of an IT consultant can be harmoniously balanced with family life, dispelling the notion of a challenging work-life integration.
  • Showcasing Inspiring Women: Putting the spotlight on the achievements of women already thriving in the IT industry, inspiring others to pursue their passion fearlessly.

Delegate’s results
Delegate’s series of portraits featuring female IT employees have received overwhelming support and engagement. These captivating portraits capture the diversity within their organization, encompassing age, education, position, ethnicity, and seniority.

The portraits have garnered 150.000 views, over 550 likes, and more than 22 reposts. Each portrait narrates a unique journey, empowering countless individuals and underscoring the tremendous potential of women in the IT industry.

Check out Delegate’s series of portraits of female IT employees here

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