The winners of Microsoft POwer BI

Moving us with data: the Microsoft Power BI Danish Championships 2021

Isabella Oliver

Isabella Oliver

Social Lead

Læsetid, 3 min.

The top-3 teams battled on how to create meaning out of data, showcasing the heroes that bring meaning out of numbers.

In the end, there were golden confetti cannons and medals being worn. At first, there was tense anticipation, weight shifting from left foot to right foot. Indeed, as the captain of the winning team from NextAgenda Lasse Jørgensen said, “it’s almost like the Olympics.”

Yet it wasn’t the Olympics. It was our first Danish Championships in Microsoft Power BI, hosted at our campus in Lyngby, north of Copenhagen. After countless submissions, a qualifying round, a top-10 public vote, it was time to showcase top-3 and announce the winners.

Tanya Helene Christensen, our Business Group Lead of Modern Work & Security, said it well: “We are here to find the people that turn data into stories”, reflecting a need that is ever-present in a world that lacks more meaning and less mindless data.

Mennesker på scene

With our CMO & COO Anne Marie Kindberg on stage, the rest of the jury from Italy, Georgia, and Texas joining remotely, we watched the three brilliant ways of using Power BI to make deep and insightful sense of numbers.

Led by a quick introduction by the host, Michelle Bellaiche, Team NextAgenda took the stage with their project Are You Moving? showcasing how to turn publicly available municipality- and housing market data into a powerful decision-making tool for homebuyers.

Then, Team Skjoldherrerne presented their project Danish Municipality Benchmark Tool. Drawing again on data available in the public domain, Skjoldherrerne gives policymakers, people moving into new areas, as well as anyone interested in understanding their local environment a way to digest information – and added a FAQ to the dashboard!

Finally, staying on the topic of demographics, but expanding the view to the top level, Team YaJo took the stage. The audience in the room – as well as remote – got to see the team’s World Population Predictions project. Making full use of Power BI’s immersive race charts, Team YaJo delivered powerful insights on what the world will look like in 2100 through the eyes of easily digestible charts and graphs.

Mennesker der smiler til hinanden

Just like that, the Championships had drawn to an end. Before the golden confetti cannons, a word from the jury. Anne Marie Kindberg: “what better way to prove the value of Microsoft’s Power BI. We were floored by the level of the field, and the top-3 on stage today truly was the cream of the crop. However, there was no doubt who the winner was …”

And what a team. It’s just like the Olympics may not ring true to some, but if Power BI makes it to Paris2024, Team NextAgenda would be a worthy Danish entry.

Anne Marie Kindberg continues on behalf of the jury: “excellent use of data, and a deep understanding of how people digest information. We were never in doubt”. Placing 2nd was Team Skjoldherrerne, a hair in front of Team YaJo.

There’s a new set of heroes in town, and those are the Power BI heroes. Check out the top-3 candidates here; Team NextAgenda, Team Skjoldherrerne, and Team YaJo, and visit this page to get more information on Microsoft Power BI.

People standing and smiling to the camera

From the left; Anne Marie Kindberg, Michelle Bellaiche, Tanya Helene Christensen, Team Skjoldherrerne, Team NextAgenda & Team YaJo

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