Lesetid, 2 min.

The year that has just been, is the year that challenged human interaction to a great length. A chat over a cup of coffee, evening dine-out with families and friends, a warm hug or a reassuring handshake: the year 2020 challenged the goodness of an endearing touch. However, 2020 was also the year of human resilience. When one-on-one physical conversations became a luxury, humans sprang up to evangelize technology’s power to keep the human interactions going. Technology’s ability to connect humans has never been as relevant as it was in 2020. As Satya Nadella said, «We saw two years of digital transformation in two months«.

While technology ushered seamless interaction across communities, countries and businesses, there was this urgent need to harness the power of technology in the health sector. Continuing on the mission to empower every person and organization on the planet, Microsoft made a bold move to empower the health sector. With trusted and integrated cloud capabilities, Microsoft delivers better experiences, better insights, and better care at a time when humanity needed it like never before.

Transform healthcare and the patient’s journey

Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare includes data models, cross-cloud connectors, workflows, APIs, and built-in healthcare-specific components with the best of our horizontal cloud apps and services. This product revolves around helping provider, payor, pharmaceutical, and medical technology organizations. It includes the aspects of AI for Healthcare in which Microsoft is recognized as the «undisputed leader» in global Artificial Intelligence (AI) platforms for the Healthcare IT (HCIT) sector on the Frost Radar™ . Along with that, it includes the power of MicrosoftAzure, Dynamics365, PowerPlatform to offer the best-in-class service and solution to the industry.

This opens the possibilities to integrate with the proprietary systems and possible industry solutions that the health sector would be using. Along with opening the horizon to scale and improvise on the industry’s overall investments, this could be a great moment to break down the silos and expand on the ROI. Let me share a quick overview of the architecture for your better understanding:

grafisk brukergrensesnitt, program


I would like to recommend you to look at the offerings here and work towards improving your patient’ s journey. It enhances clinical and operational insights to predict risk and help improve quality care. And in this journey, you have the entire Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare partner ecosystem to hold your hand and drive you to success.

Please work with your Microsoft associate on this and learn more about the growth opportunities for more information.

Thank you.

Ritesh Ranjan

Dynamics 365 Technology Specialist, Microsoft Norway

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