Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Microsoft, Applications & Infrastructure

Digital native who is intrigued by the power of technology and how it impacts our lives. Into data and human behaviour.


Spring Skills Challenge
Get rewarded for gaining tech skills and free certifications at the Microsoft Spring Skills Challenge

This spring, with the goal of boosting your career by adding new skills and certifications, we invite you to join the Microsoft Spring Skills Challenge. We offer (all for free!): Learning path of your choice (see the selection below) on our Microsoft Learn platform, where you can complete the modules at your own pace. Corresponding […]



a desktop computer sitting on top of a desk
How Microsoft helps customers adopt Azure through developer education

The pace of change in technology has never been as a fast as it is today and all indications are that this pace will continue to increase. The 2020 paper “Jobs of Tomorrow” published by the World Economic Forum estimates that “fully meeting the labor market demand for emerging professions and skills to meet the needs […]

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Microsoft, Applications & Infrastructure

a woman sitting at a desk in front of her laptop computer
Spend Analysis to aid greener public procurement

In recent years, the Danish public sector has been focusing intently on its contribution toward reducing negative environmental impact, thereby helping to achieve Denmark’s ambitious climate goals. One of the ways to do this is by optimizing sustainable public procurement, which is worth over DKK 360 billion annually. By harnessing Microsoft Power BI and Microsoft Azure data […]

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Microsoft, Applications & Infrastructure

a man sitting on a chair
Six ways technology can propel business towards recovery and resilience

The World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos is always a favourite of journalists and commentators. Every year, world leaders and global CEOs descend on the tiny Alpine resort, and provide the basis of hundreds of news stories. So it’s no surprise the WEF’s 2018 prediction that automation and AI could displace 75 million jobs by […]

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Microsoft, Applications & Infrastructure

a man sitting at a table using a laptop
The Skillful State Playbook: 7 steps to building a skills-based workforce

There is never a wrong time to upskill yourself and your organization. For leaders across Europe, there are free and accessible tool and resources available to help you develop an innovative workforce with the right skills needed for the future. Meeting a universal – and growing – demand Skillful, a non-profit initiative, helps to develop […]

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Microsoft, Applications & Infrastructure

a woman sitting at a table using a laptop computer
Global Knowledge study reveals present and future skills issues facing IT departments worldwide

All around the world, IT departments are facing similar challenges. Worrying skills gaps, heavy workloads and new cybersecurity threats are ever-present. Understanding how the IT community is reacting to – and coping with – these demands is hugely valuable. The IT Skills and Salary Report, a comprehensive study by Global Knowledge, provides that intelligence based […]

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Microsoft, Applications & Infrastructure

a man standing in front of a laptop computer
Now’s the time to invest in your digital skills

We’re living through a transformative period for working practices. Organisations of all kinds have adopted new digital ways of working to keep their staff functioning remotely. But it’s not only WHERE we work – it’s HOW we work that’s changing. A survey by the auditing firm EY has found that almost half of company bosses […]

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Microsoft, Applications & Infrastructure

A woman undergoing a scan
Predictive maintenance is improving quality of life for cancer patients

With cancer affecting more than 17 million people annually, a figure set to rise dramatically in the coming years, efficient and cost-effective treatment is essential. Since deploying Microsoft Azure IoT, IBA Worldwide, a leading developer of medical equipment for cancer treatment, has been able to reduce the cost of maintenance and improve repair times for […]

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Microsoft, Applications & Infrastructure

a tree covered in snow
Climate-conscious utility companies are becoming data-smarter. Here’s why.

Ever been hit by a pang of guilt after realising someone accidentally left the lights on all day at home, wasting energy? Well, what if you were responsible for allocating power to 1.5 million homes instead? That’s a lot of lights and a lot of energy that needs to be optimised to be there when […]

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Microsoft, Applications & Infrastructure

Guy standing next to plane looking at Smartwatch to check reporting.
Air France and KLM subsidiary EPCOR predicts future failures with data and AI

EPCOR provides maintenance, repair and overhaul services, including state-of-the-art test facilities for aircraft pneumatic components and Auxiliary Power Units (APU). The APU is responsible for starting the main engines and provide power to essential aircraft functions. By harnessing cloud-based APU data using innovative analysis and machine learning, EPCOR is helping airlines meet their cost, safety […]

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Microsoft, Applications & Infrastructure

Goal for 2018: learn more about blockchain
Goal for 2018: learn more about blockchain

Ask a random person about blockchain, and you’ll probably get an answer involving bitcoin and cryptocurrency – assuming that he or she is even familiar with the term. But blockchain has a lot more to offer and is significant across all sectors and industries – from banking to government to healthcare and beyond. The potential […]

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Matthijs Van Sterkenburg

Microsoft, Applications & Infrastructure

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