Kathrine Norrelund

Kathrine Norrelund

Microsoft, Sustainable Transformation

Marketing professional who is passionate about technology and how it can empower our society to drive sustainable change.


Expansive view of ocean coast at sunset across the foothills in Mount Tamalpais State Park, Mill Valley, California
ClimateCamp: decarbonizing supply chains to create a more sustainable future

Meet ClimateCamp: The Belgian start-up helping businesses decarbonize their supply chains to create a better, more sustainable future. Supply chains account for 80% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Businesses will play a major role in reducing these emissions in order to meet global climate goals and will need to set precise goals to make their […]

Kathrine Norrelund

Kathrine Norrelund

Microsoft, Sustainable Transformation

Ponsse: Turning a forest-machine manufacturer into a data-driven business
Ponsse: Turning a forest-machine manufacturer into a data-driven business

“When our customers use our machines, they want to have real-time information on how those machines are functioning, how efficient they are. But they don’t want to be overwhelmed with raw data – they just want the intelligence, to know the best way to run their operations.”  Miika Soininen, is Director of Digital Services and IT at Ponsse, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of forestry machines. He’s talking about how his company is innovating with data to optimize its operations and offer transformative new services to their global […]

Kathrine Norrelund

Kathrine Norrelund

Microsoft, Sustainable Transformation

a tree with a mountain in the background
Lucas Joppa: A journey to sustainable transformation

Business leaders all over the world are turning their attention towards reducing their environmental impact, and creating a more prosperous tomorrow. But, the journey to a sustainable future is one we all must make collectively. A global shift towards sustainable business transformation is no easy feat, but when we bring people and innovative technology together, […]

Kathrine Norrelund

Kathrine Norrelund

Microsoft, Sustainable Transformation

a hand holding a video game remote control
Oss Norge: Using cloud technology to create a greener energy market

“The greenest energy is the one you don’t use. Our product helps people use less energy by giving them a much more detailed overview of what they’re consuming.” Erik Berg Solheim, CEO of Norwegian energy data specialist Oss Norge, is explaining how his company’s flagship product is helping contribute to a greener, more sustainable society […]

Kathrine Norrelund

Kathrine Norrelund

Microsoft, Sustainable Transformation

a person standing in front of a computer
Bring transparency to your sustainability efforts

Discover the Microsoft Sustainability Calculator, designed to help your business better report, understand, and reduce your organization’s environmental impact.

Kathrine Norrelund

Kathrine Norrelund

Microsoft, Sustainable Transformation

a person sitting in front of a computer screen
The four steps to unlocking your net-zero carbon future

Kick-start your sustainability journey with our free tools, resources, and products – including our guide to the four steps that will help you reduce your carbon footprint.

Kathrine Norrelund

Kathrine Norrelund

Microsoft, Sustainable Transformation

a group of people in a park
The four pillars of Microsoft’s sustainability plan

Find out why Microsoft has focused its sustainability efforts on carbon, ecosystems, water and waste – and explore our ongoing initiatives.

Kathrine Norrelund

Kathrine Norrelund

Microsoft, Sustainable Transformation

a person wearing a helmet
How a steel giant boosted sustainability by adopting a data-driven mindset

See how Outokumpu is redefining the stainless-steel industry through its digital transformation with Microsoft, lowering CO2 emissions and improving energy efficiency.

Kathrine Norrelund

Kathrine Norrelund

Microsoft, Sustainable Transformation

a tree in a forest
Create, plan and realize your sustainability goals

Technology can help everyone everywhere build a more sustainable future. Discover case studies, articles and other assets designed to help you get started.

Kathrine Norrelund

Kathrine Norrelund

Microsoft, Sustainable Transformation

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