A person working on his laptop.
Lesezeit, 1 min.

Hybrid work is inevitable.
Create the culture to enable it.

The shift to hybrid work is a strategic business opportunity for every organization – one that requires a new operating model. Every leader will need a strategy to activate the whole organization in the move from defense to offense to gain competitive advantage and address the urgent opportunity now.

From HR, to IT, to marketing and sales, to manufacturing – every function will need to come together to reimagine how to empower employees, engage customers, optimize operations, and transform products.


Group of people in a meeting work collaborating with colleagues remotely.

Embracing hybrid work will enable your organization to meet new employee and customer expectations, attract and retain talent, and gain competitive advantage.

Flexibility and hybrid work will define the post-pandemic workplace. We need to let go of the idea that we can expect people to work together during certain hours and all in one place.

The next great disruption is Hybrid Work – are you ready?

Register Now for the online event Navigating the Complexities of Hybrid Work Together on Thu 23. Sep 2021 at 10:00 – 11:45 AM.

Microsoft and guest speakers will share learnings and experiences from the past, not only about technology, but also regarding Leadership and the cultural aspects of Hybrid Work.

Dive into some of the learnings and findings we have discovered during the pandemic, preparing Microsoft’s workforce for hybrid work. Hear from one of our customers their success story.

And finally, gain an insight in our future thinking about hybrid work models and ask questions directly in the Q&A session at the end.


10:00 – 10:05 Welcome
10:05 – 10:40 Rethinking leadership models – Microsoft’s Approach to Hybrid Work
10:40 – 11:05 Customer Success Story – Planning the Return
11:05 – 11:30 The Future of Work – our Vision for the Hybrid Workplace
11:30 – 11:45 Q&A – Ask the Experts

We are looking forward to welcoming you to this event!

Kostenloses E-Book: Innovative Teamwork-Tools

Entdecken Sie 4 Tipps für besseres Teamwork

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Füllen Sie ein kurzes Formular aus, und schon bald erhalten Sie einen Anruf von einem Microsoft 365-Experten. Unsere Experten können Ihnen auch verraten wie Sie sich für einen Rabatt von bis zu 20 % auf das erste Jahr des Abonnements von Microsoft 365 Business qualifizieren, wenn Sie den Kauf über einen teilnehmenden, von Microsoft autorisierten Cloud Service Provider tätigen.

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