Lesezeit, 2 min.

Everyone has a role to play in AI transformation. Apply now and be part of our 4-weeks AI Bootcamp!

Explore our online learning paths and discover how to drive business impact by creating an effective AI strategy, enabling business users with AI, an AI-ready culture, and much more. Please note, that this course is for beginners and you do not need to have any prior knowledge.

Together with Powercoders we help you to level up your skills. Our offer is limited and basically aimed for job seekers and social welfare recipients. This initiative enables people to learn new skills and upskill in order to regain a foothold in the working world.

Apply now for our online course for beginners and learn how to drive business impact by creating an effective AI strategy.

In addition to the online course, we offer a weekly Classroom sessions with Microsoft Experts & Powercoders.

Here you have an overview of the learning course:


Date/Time Theme Where Content
29. April 2022


Welcome & Kick-off Online – 1h Getting to know each other, process and dates, additional material
30. April – 2. May AI for Leaders  self study – 1h30 Independent finishing of the modules in self-study
2. May – 4. May AI for All self study – 2h Independent finishing of the modules in self-study
4. May 2022


Classroom – Q&A Online – 1h Questions can be sent in advance. You must have completed the specified modules prior to the Q&A session.
5. – 11. May AI Strategy  self study – 5h30 Independent finishing of the modules in self-study
11. May 2022


Classroom – Q&A Online – 1h30 You must have completed the specified modules prior to the Q&A session.
12. – 18. May AI in Business  self study – 3h Independent finishing of the modules in self-study
18. May 2022


Classroom – Q&A  Online – 1h You must have completed the specified modules prior to the Q&A session.
19.  -25. May AI Culture  self study – 3h30 Independent finishing of the modules in self-study
25. May 2022


Classroom – Q&A Online – 2h You must have completed the specified modules prior to the Q&A session. Plus Exam preparation

Learning partner:

Microsoft Certifications

Earn certifications that show you are keeping pace with today’s technical roles and requirements.

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